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2.1k · Nov 2014
not so anonymous Nov 2014
The A String on her violin snapped
And she gave out a restless sigh
All she wanted was to be in tune
With the the rest of the symphony
But that poor A String insisted
That he couldn't take the stress
To be pulled and stretched daily
Was unbearable for him
If only he could realise the thousands
Of other strings playing in time
The vibrato vibrating into hearts
And resonating into minds
He'd realise without stress
We'd never be able to hear the music
You were like that
You gave up on me because
You couldn't hear the symphony
It's a good thing I've got three more
Strings on this violin
not so anonymous Aug 2014
As I lay beneath the covers
I stare up at the colors
The kaleidoscope of sunset
Glowing upon my ceiling
But the Technicolor is pale
The beauty flawed and faded
For under these covers there should be two
But its only me, and no you
1.9k · Sep 2014
not so anonymous Sep 2014
Explain to me why
In my dreams you kiss my lips
But in life leave me
1.6k · Aug 2014
not so anonymous Aug 2014
Our ribs are cracked but
The real pain lies inside them
Where broken hearts sit
not so anonymous Aug 2014
Too tall
Too short
Too fat
Too skinny
Too shy
Too loud
Too wild
Too scared
Too lazy
Too irresponsible
Too 'teenager'
Too ugly
Too dumb
Too clueless
Too poor
Too selfish
Too ignorant
Too opinionated
Too boring
Too serious
Too emotional
Too imperfect?
Too bad.
973 · Sep 2014
not so anonymous Sep 2014
She is a lady, and ladies shouldn't be messed with.
not so anonymous Aug 2014
Wet hair dripping
Pop Punk playing
Homework pushed aside
I'm too busy texting you
***** laundry on the floor
I'm hiding under the covers
Sleepy eyes, restless legs
My parents start yelling
I grow to ignore the fights
I'm used to being put down
Nothing I do is good enough anyway
I drift off to sleep
But not without wasting hours
Over thinking and wishing
That you'd hold my hand through the pain
And that I could feel peace again
Because there's only peace in your arms
Life just ***** sometimes, and I just want someone to make it seem worth it, you know?
not so anonymous Aug 2014
She didn't like to curse but sometimes
She thought, it just isn't ******* enough
not so anonymous Sep 2014
It's funny how
You can touch my hand
And I can no longer focus
You're presence is blinding
I see only you
I can only think of the fact
Your hands are strong
But they make me weak
You're cupping the inside of my thigh
This party needs to end
So I can finally get you alone
Everyone seems gone from the room
But I can still hear the crowds roaring
I see only you
My pulse is screaming to be in sync with yours
darling, the day you looked at me
was the day I quit looking at anyone else
761 · Aug 2014
not so first encounter
not so anonymous Aug 2014
I know you
You don't know me
I see you on the street
You don't even look my way
Ever since high school
I've craved your presence
But I was the girl in the back of the class
The girl who never spoke
The girl who couldn't muster the guts
To tell you I wanted you
And you were the guy with the laugh
The guy adored and seen by all
I was hoping you would turn
And see me back there
And think 'that girl looks beautiful'
But you never did
And here you are standing
On the corner of the street
And here I am walking your way
God only knows what you'll say
But I'm going to tell you I love you,
I'm going to tell you anyway
not so anonymous Aug 2014
I've found a new love
He says all the right things
Kisses all the right places
He never lets me fall asleep lonely
Or wake up forgotten
He has bright eyes and a magnetic soul
He views me above everyone
I am his muse and his idol

And I hate it
For he is not you
And you are not him
not so anonymous Aug 2014
Is it really possible to be "just friends?"
It is truly easy to leave frayed ends?
I may say we are friends but it's not that simple
We were lovers and then enemies
So can you really leave that behind
And be what we call "just friends?"
I'd love the world to answer me
Tell me I'm not senile for holding on to emotions
Because I will always love you,
We will never be "just friends"
610 · Aug 2014
hold my hand (haiku)
not so anonymous Aug 2014
I have five fingers
You have five fingers, Let's make
Ten together please
609 · Aug 2014
not so anonymous Aug 2014
I though of writing a love letter
Or a beautiful soliloquy confessing my feelings
But my thumbs cannot type
My hand cannot write nor my tongue confess
The enormity of my emotions
So to put it
In three words
I love you
not so anonymous Aug 2014
It's been 636 days
636 days
15,624 hours
915,840 minutes
Since I saw you last

636 days
Since your eyes met mine
And I giggled because I loved you
And you smiled because you knew
I sat on the swing set at the old park
You sat across from me
Those eyes of yours that knew me from the inside out

636 days
Since we said hello and later goodbye
But in between the conversation sparked
You in your beanie carrying your longboard
I in my old ragged boots carrying my hopes
You asked countless personal questions
I told you countless personal stories

636 days
Since the day I met you
And the day I lost you
Since they day I gave myself up to you and you gave up on me
Maybe it's rash to fall in love after a day
But I did and 636 days later I don't regret it
It may have been short and 'wrong'
But I still love you just the same
636 days later
550 · Sep 2014
pain is paradoxical 10w
not so anonymous Sep 2014
Here's one for the times
You felt used but useless
not so anonymous Aug 2014
I was born with photographic memory

But now your face is starting to go blurry

Something about you confounded me
517 · Sep 2014
its fine
not so anonymous Sep 2014
When you do something harmful to me
and I say 'its fine.'
Chances are it's not fine at all.
But I'm telling you it's fine because I'm used to you letting me down, and so I've decided to give you too much forgiveness and push it aside, rather than fight you for the hundredth time.
People disappoint, it always happens.
I'm used to it.
It's fine.
478 · Sep 2014
when she insists she's okay
not so anonymous Sep 2014
"I'm just tired" she said with a sigh
Which was true
She'd been losing sleep for weeks now
But she wasn't just tired
She started losing that sleep out of pain
She doesn't want to talk about it
About how he left her and nothing works
Sure she says it's just from being sleepy
But those tired discouraged eyes
Have been this way out of sorrow
471 · Dec 2014
not so anonymous Dec 2014
Rain on the rooftops
Rain in her eyes

Puddles in the gutter
Puddles in her notebook

What if the weather
Determined whether
We would feel whole
Or clouded over

Shrouded in shade
Or bursting with Sun

The forecast is showers
The clouds are already building inside
451 · Sep 2014
not so anonymous Sep 2014
You shower me with love
I shower you with good intentions
441 · Sep 2014
not so anonymous Sep 2014
I'm sitting here picking stitches
You're sitting, stitching new ones
425 · Aug 2014
not so anonymous Aug 2014
If clarity was a person, you would be it's embodiment.
423 · Jan 2015
not so anonymous Jan 2015
Was it a blessing
Or a curse, the love she had
for one who was gone
not so anonymous Sep 2014
The notebooks are lined up on my shelf
Each filled with scrawls of words
Spilled out by my pen
I've always written out of anger
No one listens, but the paper soaks it all in
My only coping mechanism is my hand
But now there's another notebook
Filled with sweet memories,
And perfectly happy instances
And on the cover of this, a title
I've given this happy notebook a name
And it's named after you
not so anonymous Sep 2014
You quit telling me I was beautiful
So I told myself I was not
You quit saying goodnight
So I told myself these nights are no good
You quit wrapping me in your embrace
So I wrapped the belt around my neck instead
You quit clutching onto my arms
So I clutch them with razor blades
You quit putting your hands around my waist
So I quit feeding that waist
Somewhere in this love story
You quit knowing I existed
So I made myself cease to exist
You quit talking to me
And now I never shall
Luckily I've recovered from such detrimental thoughts but they did have a tight grip on me before. I'm willing to listen to anyone who needs a friend.
384 · Aug 2014
not so anonymous Aug 2014
Maybe one day my words will form
Into glorious poems all dedicated to you
With eloquent similes and subtle allusions
To your favorite writers back in the day
But until then
I hope you can read these frail passages
Of muddled emotions I call poems
And know its not enough but it's all I've got
For I'm no writer, but for you I will write
382 · Dec 2014
not so anonymous Dec 2014
My inspiration died the day you did
I'm holding your hand in the coffin,
But I'm not sure which of us,
If not both,
Is the real corpse.
366 · Sep 2014
open ends
not so anonymous Sep 2014
She never finished her
She never spoke her
It was if she felt
And he was too
He never noticed she
But soon they
Never to finish their
Fill in the blanks as you wish, my version of the story may be in stark contrast to yours.
not so anonymous Oct 2014
He was like my favorite song
Stumbled upon by chance
But soon stuck on repeat
I had the melody memorized
And the lyrics written in stone
But although my music tastes will change
And I'll find my own style here
And I'll find new favorites
Anytime that song comes on
I can't help but sing along just the same
The melody is ingrained in my head
Its not something that will leave
You're never going to leave
I'll have you memorized in my heart
350 · Sep 2014
you are known
not so anonymous Sep 2014
I believe in God
Not the untouchable omnipotent man in a fiery cloud spreading hell fire to mankind
But a gentle man who hugs me in pain
He provides light in darkness
He speaks to me, He is not dead
He wants us all to return to him, he wishes no harm upon his children.
He loves me.
He loves you.
He sees you.
I am a Mormon, I live it and love it
not so anonymous Sep 2014
You can look through my notebook
You can scroll through my documents
You can read what I write
But you'll never fully realise
When I write you
I literally mean *you
341 · Sep 2014
not so anonymous Sep 2014
Everyone feels lonely
We all suffer from alienation
You think by now we'd have learned
To band together in solitude
I battle demons
You battle addictions
But together we can share in our pain

If only you realised
every single one of us
has problems and worries
guilt and insecurity,
then you'd realise you're just as
lonely as the rest of us
Which makes you not so alone,
Now does it?
325 · Aug 2014
not so anonymous Aug 2014
There's no poetry in my soul.
Just a list of lies I've told.
From the song Stitches by Young Guns. A great song, I recommend listening to it and reading the lyrics.

— The End —