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Oct 2014 · 13.8k
Kara Hesketh Oct 2014
Ebola! Ebola! Ebola!
you are only hunting in the exhausted fields,
you predecessors have done evil marvel in this land
Africa's sons and daughter were heavily taken away
in slave raid, colonial rampage two world wars, cancer
and *** aids, Ebola you must be ashamed to come here,
are you as foolish as lioness that must follow the path
initially taken by her husband the lion?
Ebola Africa is dead tired and lain forlorn
by strange diseases not known by it
but only named in the land of their cradle
where *** was born in the Irish Laboratory
on trial and error to decimate Africa's populations
in the racially biased arsenal you have also come
you fangled teeth a bare menace to each of us
you make us bleed from out body holes,
blood oozing out like Nile water from lake Victoria
Ebola! Ebola! sympathy is not a vice, but heavenly
virtue, only protege of the Godly please be sympathetic
to Africa the orphan of the classic times with no succour
her wounds of Cancer are fresh and fresh as those obnoxites
from the nasty Aids aka ***, kindly empathize with Africa
you have eaten Mali and Nigeria after Congo Kinshasa
you are now in Kenya the neighbor of Sudan
the last born of Africa already rendered forlorn
by the AK 47 and AK 74, shot in the tribal tremors
O! Ebola Ebola! my prayer to you is as brief
as that; forgive me for my weird mourning
of my brothers and sister in death mongering
mandibles so ugly and Abysmal like
Gehenna of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
Kara Hesketh Oct 2014
I lay here to night in a dark silent room,
Feeling only pain and uncontrollable gloom.
Pictures of the blood flash in my head,
Pictures of you laying on the floor dead.
Never to come back and mess up my life,
I smile as I wipe your blood from my knife.
Your darkened red blood spills out on the street,
Your Colden heart stop DEAD in its beat,
I think back to all the pain and the hurt,
As I cover your body and spit on the dirt.
From you or you GAME I Can no longer run,
And me killing you was my turn for FUN.
Oh how they'll cry and Oh how they'll weep,
But I know their Sorrow is ONLY SKIN DEEP.
As I turn to walk down the cold empty street,
I walk to the rhythm your heart USED to beat.
I think Back to you lying dead on the floor
And SMILE knowing your heart beats NO MORE!!!!!!!!
Sorry it is sad but it is all I could think of at this moment in time.
Oct 2014 · 677
Kara Hesketh Oct 2014
Love is universal. It unites humanity as one big family. Truly, it doesn't matter where you find yourself in the world, you will find people in love. While customs may vary, in love, nationality, language and culture don't matter. Love is something that we all desire. It forms a part of us no matter what corner of the world we come from. Sometimes two people may fall in love and even marry without even speaking the same language. That is the power love has to unite. It can unite two people or families or even nations. Therefore, let us all give our best in love. Just maybe, we can make a small contribution to the unity of the human family.
Oct 2014 · 5.5k
Kara Hesketh Oct 2014
I’ve seen eyes that capture all that I am and pull it to the front so I see it all, good and bad.
Eyes that looked so deep I imagine I could fall into them and get lost.
Eyes that have seen until the end of the world and so much more.
Eyes that hold captive the beasts that dwell where we dare not go and put them to a deep sleep.
Eyes that have power and strength and ideas good enough to topple the world,
The same eyes that need nothing more than a warm mug of tea
And another pair of eyes to share the world with.

— The End —