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 Aug 2017 JWolfeB
 Aug 2017 JWolfeB
Like the jewels of Earth, she wore wildflowers
Tones of yellow grace tangled in a mane of twilight
Gentle hum of whispers upon delicate lobes
To see heart in eyes of blue

Coat my soul in perfumes of nectar
Time adorned skin
This taste of bliss teases
Forever a memory of you

Sail through a living sea of gold
White lace of ivory contrast
Your essence fills the air in which I breathe
For it is love that greets the moon

Eyes cast toward the sky
It is not the end but the journey
To be the lens in which you view the world
All the vibrant colors
 Aug 2017 JWolfeB
When my eyes are closed
And my cheeks are wet.
My lips will smile softly
As I forfeit all my fears
To the memories between my ears.

The memories of which
Are made from the trails
I paved in foreign countries.
Strong gales of sweet laughter
Sewn into heart songs; my ever after.

 Aug 2017 JWolfeB
Solaris Lanayru
On your deepest darkest days
Remember the tone of my voice
So gentle, kind, and loving
I am your only choice
For the world has granted you to me
and my love for you is strong
Don't ever leave and let me be
For I will tell you it is wrong
I met you by chance and loved what I got
You're the perfect fit for me
Because you're everything I love and unfaithful you are not
You're all I want to see
I love you even when I'm mad
Nothing stands in my way
I love you even when I'm sad
And I hope it always stays this way
For Dave <3
 Aug 2017 JWolfeB
When I look at the stars too long
They seem to dangle
on thin strings
Almost in arms reach.
I have to look away
And back again,
To see that they are actually light years away

I didn't think too much about this and just wrote it
i laid in bed
and listened to you breathe from miles away
like breath from underwater through a straw
100 feet long

when my eyes fluttered closed
your breath blew through my head
and picked up powdered paint
i hadn't known
was lying around
and blew slow swirls of color through the sky
falling softly in your pause between exhale
and inhale
but being spun into motion once more
never getting to the ground
suspended by the idea of you
bright purples and blues
in improvised kaleidoscopes
that i wondered if you could see
from where you were
 Aug 2017 JWolfeB
Tyler Matthew
When did our homes become
When did our truths become
When did our hearts become
When did our laughs turn to

When did our men become
When did our gods become
When did this world become
When, oh when, oh when?
Quick write
 Aug 2017 JWolfeB
if just one person
just one
or imagine three did it
or fifty
or the whole world

felt like I do
or you
or like Mahatma
what a world

this may be Nirvana
how might the love flow
instead of arms
instead of war
 Aug 2017 JWolfeB
Mark Lecuona
what is old is new,
when it is discovered by children;
what is life is no longer true,
when a wise man’s words are carelessly spoken;
the age of purpose can only be measured
by the circumstance and pain of its birth;
but to send an olive branch,
flying into a storm created by your own breath;
is to send a message that cannot be accepted,
and to ask for forgiveness that cannot be expected;
for who would send kindness to its death,
except the one who never knew its worth
 Aug 2017 JWolfeB
Raquel E
you've conquered all sentiments
            you are IMPOSSIBLE
                 the time traveler
                    that kills his
                     to end some
                        and flies
                        and coin
                     the CURE for
            spontaneous combustion
        for YOUR photogenic HEART
       captures mine as you bring me
     a w a t e r m e l o n w i t h s e e d s
   through the wormhole speed of light
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