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 Apr 2016 Julie Butler
Ella Gwen
The water falling washes over skin
as supple as your silence,
as I sit and I write and you
simmer still in your thoughts,
thoughts always of her.
 Apr 2016 Julie Butler
Ella Gwen
My hands are tongue-tied, my mouth
a shutter that ***** open in the wind;
empty words parade their ground but I

think now before I speak.

You watch my movements, tracking each
for the abnormal; waiting for me to mess up
and forget to hide these crimes

you so carefully cultivated.

I jump in the darkness, so you see things
which are not there; shivering screaming
silence, spoken aloud only when

your distance we both share.
I'd write you every second in this life that I have lived
you're present in my thoughts much more than I have ever been
With all of these illusions and the subtleties I see
I found you in the presence of the things that I believe
you struck me as a question I had never thought to ask
and left me with a longing for tomorrows that have passed
It doesn't make much sense, today is crippling my head
but what is this existence if you're gone, asleep or dead
I'm only ever sorry for the words I did not say
afraid of what they'd do because I couldn't get away
I kept you in a corner til you learned to disappear
and I would go in search of you to see if you were near
But keeping up your distance, I could only take a chance
for none of this resembles the extent of our romance
I'd put you in my pocket or forget that you were there
we could have been together but I lost you in a stare
see you somewhere
Where is the emotion I could only ever bare
when you were here beside me every day and everywhere
I seem to be avoiding all the simple things I knew
instead commit to stupor coming out of me and you
Whatever hasn't happened I expect at any time
receiving with the darkness every shadow in my mind
It's good to be alone and I have come to much prefer
the solitude of sameness as the days become a blur
I'm learning to admit that what is perfect will not break
and daily seek the patience to accept it when I wake
Today has been forever and forever's moving still
a death that has no fear because it goes against our will
title and inspiration taken from Sufjan Stevens',"Carrie & Lowell"
We used to put obedience above our sorry selves
And live inside a creature made of love's redeeming cells
But something came upon us, likeness something like our own
that told us we could separate and sit atop a thrown
Where once I was a woman who was searching for a man
there now exist two people who are turning into sand
And should I be the glass that you created and destroyed
I've since become the ruin that you struggle to avoid
My heart can open wider, be together like it was
a mender and a giver and a product of the dust
So what it is tonight that tries to shift my weaker parts
will disappear in stillness that remains inside my heart
to have always believed
The days pass in twos, I see double again
I'll make you believe me while I play pretend
The questions are nothing but all of my doubt
I'm letting you in as you choose to walk out
and here I am wandering memory lane
Adoring with pleasure these moments of pain
I could be mistaken and you could be right
we're not that much different when we have a fight
But how many punches can anyone throw
When blue is the face of a life we've let go
I don't want to bother your patience at all
So I will let silence take both of the fault
The beauty of breaking can only be seen
If one other person is present for me
I'm not who I am when you're not who you are
Tonight I will keep you inside of my hear*t
until I can't feel you anymore
I think about tomorrow through the people I have met
And testify of greater things that haven't happened yet
So what if all the consciousness continues to return
We'll only ever greet it when we move in what it's earned
A father of the quiet and a mother of the old
Protecting what was hidden in a parabolic code  
To whom will it be given when the final word is writ
For all will fall asleep when darkness comes to swallow it
Remember who you've carried if you wake before it ends
Forsake not even one of those you served and called a friend
“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
We're not as much apart as we are broken to the core
The blood upon my hands is somehow covered up in yours
And if I turn to water you will never want to drink
Then let me be forsaken by the thoughts in which I sink
I told you all my secrets both in person and in soul
But I can't be responsible for where you long to go
It's only in the stillness that I conjure up the words  
To tell you that I loved you in a way I wasn't sure
I've asked the time to grant us more than we could ever bear
So I would have a chance to make it up to you, I swear
The past cannot be changed and so the future goes astray
but I don't want to tempt you to just walk the other way
For I can bathe in showers that are hotter than you make
But if you fall asleep then I'm the only one awake
What am I to you?
I will be turning myself in today
Life in prison awaits me
Must say I definitely deserve it
I killed a girl and I'd do it again
She would fill my head with ideas
Telling me I was worthless
Saying I should just disappear
Maybe she was right all along
But when I saw her in the mirror
My blood boiled and it enraged me
So I suffocated her one quiet night
Drowned her negativity with my pillow
Saw the malice in her eyes fade and die
Never again will she drag me down
For I am a better person now
I killed the woman in my mind
The one that said I was a waste of space
The one that said I'd never inspire
She didn't know what I was capable of
I was capable of loving myself
I killed the side of me that didn't love
Written on January  13, 2016 and shared via Hello Poetry on January 14, 2016. Copywrite belongs  to Bianca Reyes.
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