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Julia Supernault Sep 2019
Once when I was younger I was helping my mom set up the Christmas decorations and she dropped a clear tack onto the grey furry carpet and before I could say anything she bent down and began to look for it by running her hands along the carpet.
“Why are you doing that? Won’t it hurt if it sticks you?” Eight year old me asked with concern.
“Maybe but it’s better than you or your siblings finding it by stepping on it.”
This was the moment I began to understand that my mom would hurt herself before she ever hurt her children.
The moment I began to understand the love of a mother.
- J.S.S
Julia Supernault Aug 2019
I’m tired of being loved only half the time.
Julia Supernault Aug 2019
I’m beginning to realize how much I’m distancing myself from those who I love,
and if I’m being honest, I’m finding it hard to give a ****.
Julia Supernault Aug 2019
I spent a great deal of my time speaking and giving my attention to one person,
That when it’s time to put myself out there, I genuinely don’t know how,
It doesn’t mean I’m not trying, it’s routine for me to speak the way that I do expecting that the world is exactly like them,
Trying to redirect my brain and my heart is the most difficult part of moving on,
But I’m trying
Julia Supernault Aug 2019
‘i hate you’ she murmurs with tears in her eyes and her sadness in her throat as she points a threatening finger at him, the one she most certainly did not hate.
‘why?’ he questioned.
‘because.. after all this time, I can’t help but continue to love you, every single bit of you, all of you, you won’t leave me alone.’
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