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 Feb 2015 Juan Manuel Romero
I used to be an infant
Innocent and full of life
Then earth happened

I was a prey
now am a predator
trying to fight for my existence
in a world full of salvages

Only the strongest survive
that was made clear

Some love me
others tremble when am  seen
but if I did ever care about what you think
I would be long gone (dead)

I know am a ticking time bomb
a star waiting to shine
a thief waiting to be crucified
Or just a miracle of life
I'll *******
if you want
because I want it too
I want your hot breath on my neck
as you come closer to me in the middle of the night
or day
I want the stubble of your chin on my thighs
when you explore my body
I want pressure between our hips
as we toss and turn in the sheets
And when it's done
I'll tell you 'I love you'
but you don't need to reply
even though I know you will
Just nudge me with your nose
or graze me with you fingers
*(inspired by elbows and knees)*
Valentine's Day.
What a joke.
Attempting to buy someone's affection.
How trivial.
We make reservations.
We pick up our date.
We give them meaningless things.
Candy. Flowers. Cards.
People  are exploited.
People are used.
People are dehumanized.
People are objectified.
And it's claimed to be for love.
That's not love.
Love isn't candy.
Love isn't flowers.
Love isn't ***.
And love is NOT forced.
Love is when you don't have to constantly buy or do things for someone, and they still know you care.
Love is a little note you leave someone to cheer them up on a bad day.
Love is holding the door for someone.
Love is a hug. Love is a kiss.
Love is a kind word.
Love is innocent and pure.
Love is you and I.
I dislike Valentine's Day because I think it's stupid to set a day aside to show people you love them. Especially the special someone that is in your life. You should show them you care every day. That doesn't mean buying them things. I hate the commercial racket Valentine's Day has become. People are nice to their dates because they have selfish ulterior motives. People who are single feel left out and alone. Well, I'm here to tell you to go ahead and be your own valentine. Every day. And show love to everyone. Do kind things for people. That's a love everyone can express. And everyone will enjoy that. I do love my girlfriend very much. But, I won't be doing anything for her or us for Valentine's day. I have nothing to prove to her or anyone else. If your impression of my love for you is dependent on what I buy you on February 14th, I cannot be with you. I'm just fed up with people being taken advantage of by the stores and people being taken advantage of by their dates. We need to spread kindness and love. I love you all, and please be safe.
 Feb 2015 Juan Manuel Romero
Shaky hands
And i guess im not so good.

Im insecure
But you want more
I dont know what i can give.

You dont care
About my flaws
A goal
In mind

Easy come
Easy go
Im afraid
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