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 Jul 2016 Jon G M
We were building a boat.
A sea-worthy vessel made for two.
A cosy little nest,
a shell of the promise for me and you.

We made it sturdy...
From keel to hull.
We sang to each other
to oust the lull.

We spoke of the adventures,
together we'd avidly chase.
We braced for the storms,
we'd most likely face.

As the last drop of sweat...
Fell freely to our feet,
the boat was done.
What were once planks, was then complete.

I climbed aboard
and hoisted up the sail.
You lingered for a bit...
Seemingly cautious that the boat might fail.

The craft quickly drifted out to sea...
When the wind, the sail did willingly welcome.
I cried out to you so you could hop on...
So with me you could come.

But you simply stood there...
With a gaze incredibly deadpan.
As the currents pulled me further,
I only then realised...
That I was never your plan.
 Jul 2016 Jon G M
Raquel Butler
I know I've said it,
a million times before,
I'll stop this time,
next time,
just once more.

I know it's hard
to believe me
when every time I'm good,
my mentality starts to plummet,
once more becomes
next year.

I know you want to see me succeed,
but it's hard when
every time I do,
you see no success,
you see no change,
my failures become the truth.

I know,
I really do.
But the last time
becomes the next time
all because of you.
relapsing it fun! <<sarcasm
 Jul 2016 Jon G M
Jazmin Ortiz
It Hurts
It hurts knowing
it will never be the same
having to see you
with someone else
acting like it doesn't cause me pain
seeing you laughing
having a good time
while i wonder
why i can't call you mine
while my eyes are filled with tears
and i can only see blurry
i take a deep breath
and tell myself not to worry
because deep down i know what's true
i am still deeply in love with you
 Jul 2016 Jon G M
Bianca Reyes
 Jul 2016 Jon G M
Bianca Reyes
My heart suffers from carpal tunnel
With all the typing it has done
About all of the love it holds for you
Shared on Hello Poetry on July 19, 2016
Copyright © 2016 Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
 Jul 2016 Jon G M
Bianca Reyes
Devouring the ravaging portrayal of arousal
Humming at tunes only heard and misunderstood
While forming science from abstract and holding
Pencils with dreamy hands enveloping haunting
And daunting beauty from within
As cerebral impulses begin exploding
Shared on Hello Poetry on July 21, 2016
Copyright © 2016 Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
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