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Oct 2020 · 157
Jemoh Oct 2020
As I stare at the sea
There goes my Sorrows
Such serenity isn't transient

The sea with it constant roar
Ignites in us that passion
A burning desire

Truly, flames can be quelled with water
Plumes of smoke ever present
Leaving behind ashes to be blown away.
Aug 2020 · 226
Everlasting Love
Jemoh Aug 2020
Does true love exist!
If it does, does it die. 
Does it truly end. 
What if anything can lead to the ebbing away of that which we truly treasure.
What would that be?
This is the million dollar question!

If you knew what it is.
How do you come back from it?
This I would truly desire to know 
To learn not to walk on egg shells
If anything, life is to be lived to it's potential. 
Sitting back, second guessing does no one any good.

Love is kind and gracious.
It has no harm intent
So why do we feel hurt and harmed in the hand of our loved ones.
How do we live each moment in love without all the fears.
Is to leave another to love them. 
What about true love.
Unending love that promises to endure

Truly, I have lived and seen what true love is about 
It loves without judgement.
It encourages and supports the other.
True love truly can be unending.
It's the meshing of all to abound in beauty.

We are certainly fallible
We fall short many a times
We wrong and hurt those we love 
But do we truly mean to do it.

Do we set out with intentions to continually harm those we love.
Certainly we don't, unless, we don't mean to love
I love with my heart. 
It often hurts not being clear about it
I know I can love with my actions. 

I have loved and felt the hurt of love taken away.
In hindsight guilt envelops
Through out omission or neglect.
We've ravaged a heart that we once loved.
I believe in true unending love.

The kind of love that endures 
To persevere is to win
We truly want to love with no conditions 
Love that warms the heart
It feels good to be loved and to love
I have loved you and that made me whole
Fighting for this love is what I choose to do.
True love reigns supreme
Love, Everlasting
Aug 2020 · 153
Fragility of our existence
Jemoh Aug 2020
The devil comes to steal.
He works in mysterious ways!
He is a taker of life.
He comes without warning
His arrival is never known

The pain of a life lost he know not!
Why does he pounce unexpectedly 
Leaving no time to prepare 
It might be gradual 
Adding to the pain and helplessness 
Or sudden where we expect not

Why does he take what he hasn't given
He is a thief, robbing and sapping the joy out of us
He is undeserving of anything yet leaves us devoid
The misery of the loss unbearable 
No love spared but the cultivation of hate.
With a heavy heart, we mourn the loss

A visionary taken from us
Our lives will never be the same
We have a legacy to pass on
To inspire the progeny
To dream of a future with no bounds
The future of Wakanda, not a forgotten empire
It is the the rebirth of a new nation under one flag.
Long live Chadwick and a dream fulfilled!
Chadwick  Boseman
Jul 2017 · 313
Frustrated beings
Jemoh Jul 2017
Life's full of them
Appointments, mis-appointment and disappointments
They all evoke a myriad of emotions
No wonder, to be human is to be frustrated
Therefore, humans can be termed frustrated beings

Most often than not we're gloom and doom filled
The welling up of frustration and anger mount
Erupting and consuming us with rage and loathsomeness

Why be captives of our frustrated beings
Why not reach out
Damp the frustration and be as free as birds

Though we all can't be Eagles
Salvation is never far away
If you chose to see it, then, you can seize it.
May 2017 · 353
Jemoh May 2017
A day for heroes
Whose blood was shed
The land enriched for progeny
Inspiring a prosperous life
Filled with hopes and dreams
To cast aside our worries due to their sacrificial offering

Their persistence paved the way
We owe it to them
Lest we forget the contributions made
To respectfully offer ourselves

Choosing not to mourn
Celebrating the lives well lived and sacrificed
May 2017 · 383
Concrete jungle
Jemoh May 2017
The emergence of the concrete jungle
Epitomises the barrenness of life
Embodied by the disconnect from self
Back pedalling from the core
Whence it all began

A land filled with history beyond measure
Characteristic of the richness espoused by kings and queens
Manifested in the wealth of the gold and diamonds
Sacrificed for our progeny
How we seldom relish in the lushness of the land
Where the spirit dwell in the people
Choosing to toil into bare existence
May 2017 · 323
The Roaring Volcano
Jemoh May 2017
Deep within is a roaring volcano
On the verge of eruption
The turmoil that one endures
The reealness from oneness with dislike
A willingness to protest for that which is right

Humanity must never be set as sunder
Let thy courage be the guide
Lead you not astray
We must recollect
Reignite the bond that must have been lost

We will encounter defeats but not falter
Neither accept defeat
In the darkest place can come the golden egg.
May 2017 · 344
What about war!
Jemoh May 2017
It's so prevalent
No day passes without a mention
Be it a Devine prophesy
The apocalyptic revelation

To be human is to war
The unfortunate experience of battles Unknown
Thoughts that occupy our inner minds
The traumas of war are real
Are there winners in any war!
It's clear that there are victims everywhere

A distraught progeny
Desensitised through their experiences
Dispossessed of their inheritance
Disposition end from what they hold dearly
Living a nomadic existence
Despised whererever they go
Disintegrated from society
Due to a fear of the Unknown
Dec 2016 · 839
Jemoh Dec 2016
With its roots embedded in the ground
The plant gains its vitality
Nourishments painstakingly climbs
Reaching its peak
The blossoming of the flowers
With the canopy shouting out loud

Aren't we all just trees
Rooted yet not literally grounded
Trading the rugged roads
With occasional stumbles
Refusing to fall.

We know the ground too well
It's where we came from
As we shine
Lest we forget what it means to us

Big power has took hold again
Lies paraded as half truth
Discernment has been lost in the process
Theirs hearts opened up to manipulation
Hatred fills their hearts
Through long standing acquiescent norm

Arise from the slumber
Power abhore vacuum
Greatness shall thrive in goodness
Lest we forget the root
It never ceases to bring wonder
To those who chose to stand their ground
Sep 2016 · 698
Gone but not Forgotten
Jemoh Sep 2016
23 Year have passed
Since your life was cut short
Each and every one a painful reminder
Though filled with hate
It teaches us to treasure
The life cut short
Despicable as it may seem
We still have to live
Asking the unanswered question
Wont you speak to us

There is never justice for the dead
Their quietness never provides the answer
Its never how but why?
Take a life you didn't create
Even if you created it you still have no right to take away
We vehemently condemn such acts
Silence is only but a crime
It is a luxury that many cocoon themselves with
Choosing guilt over shame
But is there shame in speaking out

Difference doesn't constitute death
The Stephens, The Trayvon, The Sobczak
Who will be next?
Is it me? Is it you
who KNows
Hate has no safety net
We ought to stand up against oppression
no BLooD is worth spilling
Hate is Hate there's no better way to define it. Oppression equals hate. Choosing to be quiet is complicit with actions. It a matter of joint enterprise. If only we could use such a law to deal with the issue. How many will freely escape its wrath. It isn't a matter of threatening others but raising awareness about the scourge of hate. No prison sentence can bring a life back. Therefore nothing warrants the premature and senseless acts of violence that ultimately lead to death.
Apr 2016 · 439
A question of his-story!
Jemoh Apr 2016
What was, is not
Without history how do we know
The past only exists in the tales of historian
Memories of the past made real today
Swimming in the creation of their minds
words have the power to sink or float us
It's not just a matter of fact or fiction
Rather it's how the distorted facts rule
A ruinous life is not worth living
Delve and tread carefully
History is nothing but His Story
Social construction of reality is a virus that's worth eradication by any means necessary
Mar 2016 · 1.5k
Jemoh Mar 2016
A passive segregationist policy
We've build high walls and gates around us
Living in enclaves, digging our own caves
The sin of wanting to belong, to be close to our own!
Who is our own? Aren't we all the same?

So blinded and closed off from the society
What's the point of living if only to be same
Variety and diversity builds
It keeps us on our toes
Our strength lies in our weakness
Sometimes is better to need than to have

What we need is to move from our comfort
To learn from our faults and get better.
Prepared for anything and embracing everyone
you can't wait for change!
Better start chasing it.
Nothing changes but ourselves
You must be prepared to embrace weakness
To make you stronger
Are enclaves worth it. We only learn to be alone, fear integrating. Further pulling down and burning bridges instead of embracing diversity. We must allow ourselves to be feed with filth about others that feeds on fear that perpetuates hatred.
Mar 2016 · 433
Jemoh Mar 2016
What a ****** society
Everyone wanting something for nothing
Not giving a **** how it's gonna hurt somebody
I just don't want to feel entitled
Ain't I entitled already
Who's there to tell me what I need

The life we've lived ain't good for us
We **** everything and we struggling to breath
The air is polluted with ignorance
But the mind is beautiful if used diligently
If your not careful your own thoughts will hold you captive
Enslave you and maim you spiritually

We just don't want to feel entitled
We are already entitled
To have dreams and see them through
To have friends who will hold up
No ones deserves to be pushed under
To fly you must get rid of that garbage that weighs down
It's our time, you me and us!
Stay focussed don't worry about being entitled
Mar 2016 · 920
The rhythm of love
Jemoh Mar 2016
Constant arguments and disagreement
Is the order of the day
Why can't we find the calm
Within our hearts is a burning desire
Why can't we become
We stop to breath when heart beat stops

Life is journey
It's full of rhythm and melody to dance to
We must learn to dance to the beat of life
Our success rests on the ability to keep to the beat

We must embrace the symphony
The majestic orchestra
Love dwells in those who intently heed it
The intense and meticulous preparation
Joyous chanting to the beat of life
Utterly consumed to eternal bliss
Love and life, entwined is our desire to love and be loved
The heart bleeds mistake repeated. When do we learn to overcome our minds noise. To learn to calm ourselves and bathe in love and universal friendship. Hatred conquered, brotherhood and sisterhood strengthened.
Mar 2016 · 407
Unwanted Desires
Jemoh Mar 2016
We are constantly driven by the desire to own
Often life is shaped by wants
It is more like a jungle
Everyone feeling the need to be entitled
Pushing for what one can't own

If you don't fit the bill you get disowned
Pushed to the periphery
Only able to get the scraps
Even silenced if seen to revolt
Why have the urge to control
If only we could break away
From the superficial
Reach out to the core

We can be dissuaded
From mere transient gains
To aspire for the golden within
#lust #love
Mar 2016 · 662
What of this world!
Jemoh Mar 2016
One born every minute is the order of the day
Everyday brings with it blessings and curses
The arrival of the new one can be a blessing
Yet it may be a curse for the newbie

What does the world have in store for us
The struggle doesn't stop
For life is rigged with constant ups and downs
New hopes and aspirations dashed
Dreams turn into nightmares

What did we do wrong
It seems like a merry go round
Yesterday solutions are today's problems
It's a game of cat and mouse
Catch me if you can!
When will this stop
Feb 2016 · 652
The one
Jemoh Feb 2016
Well crafted I will see behind those eyes
I will fill the void
Be  there to catch you
This has given me the realisation
I need to commit and communicate
To love and cherish
I need treasure and cherish you
My love please come back to me
I feel empty without you
I promise to keep the fire burning
To keep us alive
So that we can endure
Till we turn grey
Feb 2016 · 682
The little young ones
Jemoh Feb 2016
A cry for the little young ones
Born in the world without care
Hopes dashed the moment the set foot out
It's so cold out there with no one to comfort them
Nor catapult them into the sky above
RIP to the dreams they once had

Those dreams lay restless in pieces
Tormenting their inner peace with what could have been
It's a constant cycle, their vision clouded by nightmares
Who's out there to shine bright
Be a lighthouse that guides those who stray

This world ain't just for those young ones
It drags them down reducing them to lowly creatures
Be without care of another and another
Another mother without a son or daughter
Why can't we engender love for the human race
Loyalty, honour and respect is all that is needed
Yet we go the wrong way attaining it

We can't let them down now
Their glory rests on our shoulder
We just can't stay enclosed
Unwrap the shackles
The future stars shine brighter
Keep our gaze on the horizon
Never look down
Now is the time for the young soul to be exalted
Feb 2016 · 686
Jemoh Feb 2016
Encroaching on my personal space
I am Bombarded by these images
Children with hopes Dashed
No links to the outside world
Always under constant threat
Rubber bullets flying,
Tears running from the gassed air
Vision blurred
A memory of what they never had
Forces keep creeping in
The boarders keep retreating inwards

No longer settled, should they settle for less
The settlements all around them
Rapidly they are moving but who is to stop them
He who dare risks the draconian approach of Goliath
Little David with his sling and stone
Wont Match the might and force wielded upon him
There is no escape from the eagle eye of Goliath forces

Peace is only considered achievable by constant aggression
Dissent calls for harsher treatments
They have essentially been brought as slaves within their tuff
The walls surrounding them,
Locking them in
They have to settle for less
Constant harassment and humiliation is the order of the day
The bus stops
They've got to set down
Awaiting verification
No pass means no pass!

Those deemed unsuitable have to settle for a return to the human cage
Senselessly caged like hens
Not to be set loose and free
For them freedom is an illusion
The desired but unattainable
Shall we sit idle?
Their hopes and dreams rest on our shoulders
We must challenge the status quo.
We seldom forget how alienating our action can be. We conform to forms of authority who exercise their control over others but we often stay quite without uttering any word. We just cant it anymore but must look for ways of infiltrating this systems be it by awakening others to see these abuses so that they can be shamed and defeated
Jan 2016 · 1.6k
These walls
Jemoh Jan 2016
Society is rigged by regulations
They've become ruinous to our very existence
Reduced us to savages, that we're not
We've become accustomed to it
Submerged to our very extinction
Gusping for every breath, to be heard.
If only these walls would  crumble

Why let others be the drivers on this perilous road
Our destiny is only ours
Shall we strive for it
The rear window is reminiscent of where we've come from
It's a constant reminder of what we choose not to inherit
We mustn't despair
If only these walls would crumble

That which amalgates us is mighty
Our diversity shouldn't be our adversity
We must take charge
Rewrite our history
That which dictates upon us must be banished
We mustn't allow for this walls to take hold
Apartheid must be challenged at all costs. We can't live a lie and choose to be in a situation where we pick and choose what we believe to be rights.
A lie told so many times can be mistaken to be the truth.
Jan 2016 · 1.2k
The resolve
Jemoh Jan 2016
So many unanswered questions buried deep within
They've been locked away to camouflage an unsavoury past
The realisation of it all is a living nightmare
The agony it brings unreal
Why should anyone bear so much anguish
When will this grind to a halt
We all need a peace of mind
Or else we'll just fall into pieces
Why sit when you can stand
Here is resolute compulsion for it
A call to action
My resolve is to trod on
Never to falter
Push on till the finish line
No guts no glory
Pulling away from uncomfortable situation. Keeping the eye focusedon the goal. The tunnel faintly illuminated thus struggling to make your way out. With every step you move into new territory one that brings about hope and glory.

Inspired by Road to Selma 'glory'
Jan 2016 · 1.5k
To whom we credit
Jemoh Jan 2016
Intertwined within us are our souls desires
We've become thoughtless consumers
Our eyes have overtaken our hearts
Countless evocation and solicitation cravings
What's the true essence of life

We must credit ourselves with a virtue of constraint
Consciously aware of the folly of greed
Competing for the consent of the masses
Continually corrupts our untainted soul
For without a soul what's the essence of life

Desire for credit has circumnavigated our default setting
Considerably actively commandeering our human condition
We've become complicit in this annihilation of what we hold dear
Our individuality disputed and tarnished
Lives crushed beyond recognition
The wide-ranging impact calamitous
What's the true essence of life

Thine benefits are transient
Yet the impact will leave an indelible mark
Preceding generations trod carefully
Afraid not to let the mud stick
We've been tainted by horrors
Yet we chose to flirt precariously with its allure
It's experience is of a blissful kind
It is however prudent to navigate cautiosly
Credit bingeing has been on the rise despite the sure signs of a struggling market. Cheap and readily available credit may have short-lived benefits but may leave scars and nightmares for future generations.
How do we prevent this? Who is to blame?
Jan 2016 · 412
Jemoh Jan 2016
My heart has been dragged out
By the revelations
Why did it have to be by you
I invested all but this is what I got in return
Your love must have been like the Enron shares
As for me it reported negative equity
Was it a Ponzi scheme designed to rob me to pay to Others!
How about little Kittens
I hope it meant something?
But to be robbed of adoration
Just *****!
Jan 2016 · 496
No romance without romance
Jemoh Jan 2016
It's been 18 years since my last invitation to Paris
Oh Paris, a city that one will marvel to
The city of the deity of love
You haven't loved until you've been to Paris
What an adorable city
I just can't find the best way to describe you

We often long for that moment
That chance encounter
That Paris to act as a catalyst
To reignite our inner passion
To be consumed by our hearts desire

How do we keep the flame burning
The inspiration to seek that we long-for
May be all we require is  a dose Paris
Perhaps it may mend all those hurts
But is it necessary to visit Paris
Can't we just rediscover the romance hidden deep within us
I guess after all we don't require a visit to Paris
We can be whole if we delve deeper within
Love, happiness
Jan 2016 · 1.2k
The dark cloud looming
Jemoh Jan 2016
All I can hear is the constant pounding of rain
The wind also follows suit
It just won't stop!
I hope for it to cease
I can't stomach it anymore
I must go to sleep

My sleep disturbed by the incessant whistling of the wind
There seem to be no hope of it winding-up
And the rain, ooh rain
Why won't you go away
The ground saturated and soaking wet
It just can't stomach it any more
The rivers have bust their banks
Houses flooded!
Where do they expect me to go?

They're here but their minds elsewhere
Why leave us with this pain and agony
What did my home have to do with it
My home lie in ruin from the constant interference
Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya all lay in ruin
Why should the innocent suffer

Perhaps it Karma, the spirits are getting even with us
But, should the people suffer from the poor judgement by the state
Shouldn't we be sorting our mess out and meddle in other people's affair

I just hope this dark cloud and rain will go away and with it will come a brighter future.
Freedom, equality justice
In solidarity with displaced people world over. Injustice anywhere is threat to injustice everywhere
Jan 2016 · 576
New tidings
Jemoh Jan 2016
The clock ticks, we are rocking
Time is ticking away
No more talking
Just listen, listen keenly
You'll find you're alive and awake

Awakened to new possibilities
Don't allow the old drag you backwards
Time is rolling away and with it there are bruises to be had
Thankfully those bruises represent the struggles along the way

Keep rocking don't stand still.
There's no room to be idle
Your hopes aspiration and dreams need you to be focuses
Keep the eye on the goal
Don't be distracted by yesterday's hurts
Look ahead the world is forgiving for those with the heart to confront it.

No more hurts,
Just a heart that is strengthened
Ready for tidings new
Illuminating, hopes

— The End —