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Tremendous afflictions await the unexpected.
As if ignorance was Olympic worthy.
Tears fall.
A sea of desperate pleas.
Slowly exstinguishing the sun.
Deaths melody is on the wind.
A wake that consumes.
Dragging a deranged animal to the surface.
Clawing through flesh and steel alike.
For there is little difference.
Cast off.
The fear sets in.
Panic injected intravenously.
Rushing and beating with every tide.
A whirling.
Manifestation of self.
And beyond.
You can survive with a heart of stone,

Though you're never sure who's side the sun is on,

The unsureness is what brings the tilt to my smile,

Not of fear but of pleasure; turned being scared, into being the flower with a lost feather,

Into feeling loved but not by anything in particular,

The outreach of Mother Earth is like mountains in the galaxy,

With a touch of sky, at night time the stars collide,

Your heart filled with pride and bravery,

Your blood remains still as the trees walk by,

Wins of the fall, dirt cool as redwood shade;

Heart of a lover, the beat at his own pace,

Stems band on top of mushroom fields, while the children of the sun move with the horizon,

Smile for rain, glance for clouds and look up to the indigenous grounds,

That's where my heart is at,

Where I sit on top of rocks and communicate with the current of the river,

Flow of love, soul of sound

I notice the silence

not anymore the chirping
or the chatter of the wind

I notice the hummingbird
trying stillness by furious

flapping I stop engaging
myself I let go of my eyes

frantic grasping of letters
on a page putting the book

down where it was letting
my head as beheaded

falling too

From the collection California Notebooks 01
I watch in wonder
Wide eyed and mystified
As the highway lines sway like jump ropes in the wind
My eyes are playing tricks on me again as I see a jack rabbit hopping in the dark
Pitch black mind you, only my headlights in the sky of the new moon
I'm not afraid of the dark anymore
Seeing life in slow motion, changes your perspective,
not only your perception

Listening only to the sound of the wind flying by the side panels sometimes the car rattles just to fill the silence

A new knowing that I'm not quite willing to accept.
How do you let go in to the magic of the universe
when you still don't trust yourself?

I suppose that will come next.
eons before
set in

closer to

years away
from sin

her name
was flame,
in the local

we were
eight, and
all she asked
me to do

was knot
up the left
of her

it was
a quiet

yet what
I felt then
was an
of love

that hours
spent together
watching Tom
& Jerry on VHS

had culminated
to this sweet
little gesture
of innocence
the ring of fire
burnt my soul
to nothingness

just when
i thought…..


a breath
drew me in
and spewed me out

not gone now
but pure essence

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