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                                That place of [Home]
                                that place of comfort
                           where the soul can breathe.

                                 [Feelings] of warmth
                                       a touch of love
                                    from deep within.

                                A [Place] of gentleness
                                        a loving heart
                                    this home of mine.

                                 [Sweetened] longings
                                                        ­        as
                                   for the one I Love
                                  my forever [Home]
In your prime
The world is at your feet
On the downfall
It's you on your feet
Or none at all

So , be there for yourself
Be it prime or downfall
Just something I strongly feel , and so shared here !
My Mind a boardroom
Many 'mini me' hold a meet
On a repeat
Day in ~ day out
They are quite a clout

The many 'mini me'
Arduously Debate
Strategise and Plan
Follow Time Span
Decisions to be made
For the very Me

The  chatter inside
Silenced .....
Not a word spoken outside
Acoustics fixed...

Now it's only me :))
Something from the Mindbox
 May 2018 Jasmine Hart
Fluid rivers, their white noise and chilly inhaled lace
ease my mind's labyrinth, catching deep breaths
dancing in dreams of forest filled landscapes
like a child's security blanket, mother nature's embrace
we awake to marsh mellows and sticky coat hangers  
the dull, orange embers reignite purpose flames
as sunrise and coffee breaks the plains
a guitar lies naked near **** bottles of wine
reclaiming its tuning, strumming life into souls
and once the satsumas and the coffee's devoured
we bask in the sunshine, winding down hours
delaying the inevitable Watch Full Moon Tower
sometimes the smallest camping and music festivals bring out the true, most immaculate souls. your heart will find the places providing the essence of love, freedom and human potential, it knows where to look. Let it guide you and see where you stand.

Not every moment is perfect
some of my memories not so sweet,
but that love I hold in my heart
really, is what makes life complete.

Sweet moments can last forever
as love can make time still,
just like the beauty of a first kiss
my love for you lives on in my heart
and always forever will.

There’s a twinkle in my eyes
a tango step In my walk
it’s been so very long
since there was hope in my talk.

It’s your love,
like a river flowing through my soul
protecting, embracing, graceful,
beautifully, it makes my love whole.

Sweet moments can last forever
as love can make time still,
just like the beauty of a first kiss
my love for you lives on in my heart
and always forever will.

When my hands, you placed in yours
a passion unleashed, that all can see,
burning away the imperfect moments
making room for new sweet memories.

And when all else has been forgotten
when minutes are forever gone,
there’s a song that will continue
our love will play on and on.

Sweet moments can last forever
as love can make time still,
just like the beauty of a first kiss
our love lives on in our hearts
and always forever will.

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