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 Oct 2015 Holly Owen
Sarah Spang
I created a girl
From word and lines
From paragraphs.

With characters, I shaped her face
Her long dark hair
Gold eyes
Her strength
And the inevitable weakness
We share.
I learned to love her
As a daughter, for she is mine
From my own hands
From my own heart and head
A product of a story
That needed to be told.

I loved her, and she taught me
Through her own struggles
Her own losses
That it is possible to move forward
After the end of the world
Ice will thaw and spring will follow the winter
Bodies return to the earth and feed the flowers
And love is never lost,
Only tucked away into a small pocket
Somewhere in the mysterious red ***** in our chests
Where it takes shape as another
More bearable appreciation
One that is not all flowers and lore
Or clammy hands and starry eyes.

If she can move on, when beauty seems withered
Than I will follow her steps
Beyond the last page
And walk out of that story
Back into my own
Where you and I will always occupy
A small page some place
A few sentences that had to end
To form a paragraph.

Or a Poem.
I've been taking time off this site lately (hence the sparse submissions) to work on a story I've been piecing together over the course of the last year. It's no where near finished, but it's really helped me gain perspective on my own life. And I guess I wrote this to the main character as a thank you. She's really helped me grow as a person as I've tried to place myself in her shoes. Sorry if it seems a little flowery or silly.
 Oct 2015 Holly Owen
           the soft,
                      of a drum.
           and fall,
the intake
           of August air,
           of pain
and grief.
 Oct 2015 Holly Owen
 Oct 2015 Holly Owen
I am Eve in the garden of Eden and
now I can finally see why she bit into the apple.

I am swallowing it whole.

You are a slithering slippery snake with a pretty disguise and
you are leaving marks on my neck and bruises in my brain.

You are breaking my bones in your tight coil,
and every morning I find myself again,
in your nest,
shaking scales out of my hair.
 Oct 2015 Holly Owen
x a l
let me play with tongues
of sins and forgiveness
where words slip and lips utter
verses & cusses,
and I am of heavy influence
pray then sin - and viceversa!
for the next ninety-nine days,
I am the holy angel but a mere devil

I may not get **** before your eyes
But I am totally naked before your soul
Sharing one heart, one beat under one sky
Love is the naked truth, our one common goal

If a person truly loves you, he will see you even if his eyes are closed.

Inspired by a quote I have read from FB.
 Oct 2015 Holly Owen
the urge
 Oct 2015 Holly Owen
Why do I have  a feeling
this is going to  be like those poems
like theirs and yours

maybe for sure
this.. a flop
flop poem
terrible flute

before all this
chandelier was a beauty
until it fell
and crushed into so many tiny pieces

I wrote tequila to get over it
hand me a glass
a bottle of scotch
a paper and pen
tears will be my ink

why this poem
why Why this poem

a string is missing from my guitar
something doesn't feel right
my vocal is gone
my notes and..... that poem

I meant this poem
this titanic piece
am about to write

it doesn't look great
the iceberg
the icicles on our heads
why am I seeing dolphins
I thought this was  that poem
i totally get it now
to succeed you've got to be liked
to be liked you've got to be seen
to be seen you've got to do good, plant a seed, like a **** it'll grow like a wild virus

but up there in my head
i can't figure out
what it means
to succeed
to begin with
(figure that one out)
and then you'll be seen
and then you'll be liked
and then you would have already succeeded
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