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She shed a tear
But no one knows why
Whether for joy, sorrow or fear
One wonders what makes her cry

To no one does she tell
The reason her eyes swell
I'm guessing fumes from an onion
Or tears have become her *****!

© Raphael Uzor
 Aug 2014 Heliza Rose
The beauty of a woman
is in the poems she's wrote,
the dreams she's weaved
and all the stories she's told.

The beauty of a woman
is in the adventures she's taken,
the lives she's touched
and all the minds she's awakened.

The beauty of a woman
is in the caring she gives,
the sincerity in her laughter,
and the passion in her griefs.

It's not the expensive clothes she owns,
her body size, the diamonds she's worn.
Measure not the beauty of woman in gold,
for the beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul.
Dedicated to all women out there with an amazing mind and a beautiful soul. We are the gift of nature, soft enough to touch the core of others and strong enough to protect that and those important to us. I love you all. Believe in yourself and the world will believe in your power.

I'm honored to have it as the daily poem.
This is a battle, a war, and the casualties could be your hearts and souls.
Victims of emotion, eruption of life lust
to die for nothig is unjust
we'll never surrender
we're people of the words
writing a guidebook to love
love your friends
love your family
love your life
love yourself

yourself is all you have and all you'll be and by the end of this journey, you'll set yourself free.
In a world of the blind
He wondered why his one eye
could not see some hope
 Aug 2014 Heliza Rose
She looked like death
Skin broken, bare bones showing
With her stringy long black hair
She felt like a cyclone
Pulling debris, flinging emotions out to sea
With her dark circled eyes
She moved like still air
Suffocating life, putting to throats a knife
With her cold, slender fingers
She smelled like chaos
Burnt and acidic tears, rancid midnight fears
With her cool breath
But she sounded like colors
Bright with sharps, dark with resonating harps
With her stagnant laugh
Sadness without a reason is the worst because how do you solve a problem without a cause?
I said
It is going to be a beautiful day

You said
But the clouds will be turning grey

I said
All around us, I feel the peace

You said
Wars will never cease

I said
I feel the love in my heart

You said
The mind is ripped apart

I said
We can be happy being together

You said
The sorrow just goes on forever

I said
I know that I can be free

You said
Good or bad, you are still me
copyright Chris Smith 2010
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