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 Jul 2015 heisenvader
noble sacrifice
oh how you must have suffered
when you used clenched fists
to make a man of me
 Mar 2015 heisenvader
Katie Ann
Maybe if you liked yourself a little less,
You could have liked me.
for once in my life I felt beautiful,
and I felt like I was enough.
for once in my life whispers didn’t matter,
I was someone no one could touch.
for once in my life I was committed
and didn’t feel any pressure,
for once in my life I was risky
yet had never felt more secure.
for once in my life, those 3 little words had a meaning,
and for once in my life I meant them
and I thought you did to.
for once in my life I let someone in,
and tried not to push them away.
for once in my life I am heartbroken,
because for once in my life I cared.
for the last time I will feel this way,
for the last time I will cry,
but for once in my life I was vulnerable,
and for once in my life I am sure
that I will never be anymore.
I think
I bring you up
in conversations
just so my lips
can form your name
Subtly counting the seconds
Hopelessly loosing oneself
In utter endless distractions
Only to realize
The count was lost
And the time has passed
Left breathless
Again one begins
Subtly counting the seconds
Focused on the task at hand
To only become lost again
And realize
The moment has passed
And it is time
To call the watch repairman
 Mar 2015 heisenvader
Dev A
You broke me
But somewhere deep inside I always knew,
You and I were not meant for forever.

I always knew we wouldn't last;
Something in me told me that.

But over and over
My mind runs through our time
And I wonder why?

Why does it hurt when I knew we'd end?
Why does it hurt knowing I won't see you again?
Why do I wish for one more day? One more night?

My mind tells me to move on forward,
But my heart, it wishes for just a little more.
I'm at war with myself,
Logic and reasoning
Wishes and dreaming.

My mind says move on
But worse off
My heart says what if?

You broke me
But deep inside I always knew you would
And yet I still hurt.
I carry the grief of you
between my shoulder blades.
Like stones in a heavy backpack.
I feel like I've just jumped into a river.
if it's your fault why am I still so sorry?
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