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I press my ear to the door of the seekers,
flames from the heart of a phoenix light my path like lanterns across the sky is now the glimmer in my eyes.
Written July 14 2014
Her look sends chills down my spine
Her kiss sends jolts from my lips to my toes
Her touch gives me goosebumps like a scary story
Her embrace warms me like nothing else
Everything about her is good for my soul
They say: You should always say what you feel.
But we all know that some things are better off unsaid.
The child alone a poet is:
Spring and Fairyland are his.
Truth and Reason show but dim,
And all’s poetry with him.
Rhyme and music flow in plenty
For the lad of one-and-twenty,
But Spring for him is no more now
Than daisies to a munching cow;
Just a cheery pleasant season,
Daisy buds to live at ease on.
He’s forgotten how he smiled
And shrieked at snowdrops when a child,
Or wept one evening secretly
For April’s glorious misery.
Wisdom made him old and wary
Banishing the Lords of Faery.
Wisdom made a breach and battered
Babylon to bits: she scattered
To the hedges and ditches
All our nursery gnomes and witches.
Lob and Puck, poor frantic elves,
Drag their treasures from the shelves.
Jack the Giant-killer’s gone,
Mother Goose and Oberon,
Bluebeard and King Solomon.
Robin, and Red Riding Hood
Take together to the wood,
And Sir Galahad lies hid
In a cave with Captain Kidd.
None of all the magic hosts,
None remain but a few ghosts
Of timorous heart, to linger on
Weeping for lost Babylon.
Your a dime
Dont let them waste your time
Even though your different
Your difference
makes you shine
Love your independence
Your beauty is Divine
You only live one
While your here
enjoy Your time
Dont let them
**** your vibe
Dont let them
See you cry
Tell them you'll see them
In heaven as you climb
Yes they're a problem
But karma will soon divide
The truth within your soul
From the lies that they provide

-Jeffrey A.
- Jeffrey ***
When I was 12
I would sit and listen to
love songs and smile
and sing along,
and feel bad when people lost it.
I never understood,
how could someone be so sad?
"They are just a person"
I would think.

Now I know,
sitting up on late nights
looking at old photos
with tears streaming down my face.
Clutching my chest
wishing you were here.
Everyday is like a fight
to see how long it'll take
till you pop on my mind
and crush my soul.
Looking at the sky and knowing
somewhere you are there
and alone.

Now I know
and I hate it.
Just something I wrote while in the shower
That died fighting
To free itself from
The cobweb

Inside the ventilation
Shaft between
Fifth and

Sixth floor still
Has its
Upon the doorstep of today
I met a man on his way
To the the world of yesterday

I asked him why he'd return
To a day with nothing more to learn
All I got was a look ever so stern

There is more in the past
Which we miss with time so fast
So dig deep into your memory cast

In each memory there's something missed
Upon you forehead it could have kissed
Go for a walk down memory lane, I insist

But there is one place I shall go
Where we will meet and see a show
And that is the day of tomorrow
If you're the blanket then I'm the stitches,
If you're the needle then I'm the mittens,
If you're the water then I'm the kettle
And if you're the rash then I'm the nettle.

If I'm the icing on the cake
Then you're the blow, the burn, the break.
If I'm the claws of a neighbour's cat
Then you're the nose of each dead rat.
If I'm the clock on the microwave
Then you're the cancer and the grave
And if I'm a schemer's dossier
Then you're the board on which he plays.

If you're the hair pulled at hysterically
Then I'm the teacher steeped in austerity.
If you're the cuff that's come unrolled
Then I'm the base camp unpatrolled.
If you're the tea leaves left behind
Then I'm the fortune undivined
And if you're the reason I'm capricious
Then I'm the reason you're pernicious.

If I'm the strap, love, you're the sandal,
And if I'm the drugs then you're the scandal.
If you're goodbye, love, I'm the foyer,
And if I am "je" then you're "tutoyer".
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