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I caught you,
in a glimpse of time.
I can't seem to find the photo,
half burnt in the fire.

Golden sky,
painted with fire.
I hear the voices,
in unison, like a choir.

Jump start my heart,
make me move.
We both know,
we have nothing to lose.

Take a photograph,
take one of me.
Then tear it apart,
and watch it bleed.

I know there's love,
I just don't know where.
I can see,
right through your stare.

Jump start my heart,
make me move.
I'm stalling out,
I'm yours to lose.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
& as those dead petals
settled on my windowsill
I stood still
unmoved I knew
the inevitable to be true
to lose
was the only thing left to do
with *you
I allow myself to think of you
as not to become foolish
and truthfully
it's all I end up doing;
I play the fool in the schoolyard of your voice
I learned to listen without ever making noise
I fight and fetch *all of your sounds

& I can't stop your pour of longing
in & all over my mouth
Am I the only one that has their demons feasting upon their souls?
They say it is easy to tie a noose around your mind,
To overcome the urges and temptations of ending your life with a suicide
They don't know the true pain and torment that is going on in my head
An epic battle that leaves me with restless nights in bed
"End your life already" they say, as they prey on me during my weakest hours
Sometimes I give into the voices, carrying the sharp blade to my wrist
Crying as I struggle to mutter three powerful words that keeps me going
Choking on my sobs, my lungs deflate with a desire to say that God loves me
I try to convince myself that God is trying to test my faith
And to just wait, wait and wait
Then my Demons will eventually go AWAY.....

~Imperfect Desire **
I remember the first time someone explained to me what the word gay meant.
We were in middle school
Playing on the swing set behind Stoy Elementary
"He’s so gay," she said
Bitter disgust poured out of her mouth with every syllable
I could not think as to why being happy could be such a horrible thing
And so I asked
My exact words being
“Whats so wrong with being happy?”
Now both my friends looked at me weird
“Don’t you know what gay means?”
“Doesn’t it mean to be happy?”
“You’re such a little kid, gay does not mean happy. Gay is a boy who likes another boy”
I stood there wondering why it mattered so much that a boy liked another boy;
why it was such a distasteful thing.
And why it meant gay couldn’t still mean happy.
love burns the fire in your chest
while burning your insides to ash,
though this is the best part. (i think)
Ohne dich kann icht nicht sein
Zähl ich die stunden, ohne dich
Und mit dir stehen die sekunden
Ich seh dich nicht
Aber wenn ich tun, ich nehm dich zärtlich in den arm
Und ich sage dir "ich liebe dich"

You and I

Without you I cannot be
I count the hours, without you
With you the seconds are still
I hardly see you
But when I do, I take you tenderly by the arm
And I tell you, "I love you"
This is my first poem, hopefully you guys like it. Sounds more romantic in German, in my opinion.
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