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 Sep 2014 hannah
Rob Rutledge
Staying up late, so late it's early
Then dreaming long and far.
"Come on, get up you're missing the sun!"
"Ah! But I see so much more of the stars!"
 Sep 2014 hannah
Layla Thurman
For the longest time I was on my own
I had grown numb to the world around me
But then you took my hand
my whole world exploded
and suddenly all was bright
I could feel the wind tickling my hair
your hot breath whispering against my ear
The pure heat of our two bodies intwined
all in a single moment
Hips against hips
your hands in my hair
your lips pressed to mine
our two souls entwined, twirling
whirling through the air somewhere above us
We were like a force of nature
a hurricane or tornado
something destructive and wild

but it was so unhealthy
but I didn't care
I thought it was fun at the time
now here I am
stranded in the ruble
waiting for another storm to carry me along
I live off of them
drunk with the sheer emotion
then alone again I am
I feel no wind
no heat
no passion
I am empty
But **** was it fun for a while
 Sep 2014 hannah
Homecoming Dance
 Sep 2014 hannah
everyone was dancing
having fun
not caring about
but i stood still,
scared of the voices,
feeling like i didn't
fit in.

when he bent
down to kiss me,
i pulled back.
i felt bad but....
i just couldn't.

all i do is hurt people
and I'm so sick of it.
i cant even be happy
at my own homecoming

he told me to have
a good time because
everything gets better.
but they don't,
its only for a little
while that
they do.
i cried and relapsed the other night because i knew this would happen. i just knew.
 Sep 2014 hannah
Back to this daily grind,
Attempting to get this 'knowledge' into my mind,
What, in this, do they expect me to find?

Taught to regurgitate fact after fact, playing our part in this foolish act.

Just trying to finish one last year,
Don't want to falter when the ends so near.
But the purpose of this 'education' has never been clear.
A bit of a rough piece, feedback welcome :)
 Sep 2014 hannah
if you look closely enough
you can watch the color slowly fade from my cheeks
if you care to listen
you can hear the soft tears falling from my eyes
if you like a horror show
you can stay tuned to this ****** up station
of misery and defeat
of destruction and mourning
In America the legal age to be considered an adult is eighteen.
And were all so excited when were EIGHTEEN AT LAST
But, some of us were already grown ups.
Some of us grew up too fast.
When you're a kid
you should spend the night in your bedroom, your very own place.
When you're a kid
You shouldn't be afraid of who might come in to your room or invade your "personal space"
When you're a kid
You should have friends by the dozens
When you're a kid
You should spend the night at your friends house or your cousin's.
When you're a kid
You shouldn't spend the night at hospitals.
When you're a kid
You should't know anything about popping pills
When your'e a kid
you shouldn't be worried about paying the bills
When you're a kid
You should be spending the night on your roof under the starts.
When you're a kid
You shouldn't make your own scars
When you're a kid
you don't have to know who you are
When you're a kid
You should be a kid
When you're a kid
You shouldn't be spending the night on the street.
When you're a kid
You shouldn't get rides from any of the strangers you meet
When you're a kid
You should spend the night in a tent on a camping trip
When you're a kid
You shouldn't drink alcohol, not even a sip
When you're a kid
You shouldn't spend the night in jail
When you're a kid
You shouldn't need friends
just to pay your bail
When your a kid
You should spend the night somewhere safe
When you're an adult
you should raise
kids to be kids.

© copyrighted Nicole Ann Osborn
American Raised
 Sep 2014 hannah
Aisrah Misch
I told God,
"Write a poem please."
he looked down,
pointed at me.
"I already did."
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