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Mar 2019 · 107
Lifetime Love
Haley Mar 2019
I struggle to find the words
To describe our lifetime love.

Amazing, Fun, Caring, Funny...
You make my world a better place.

Your love lights up my world,
Cutting through the fog and grim.

Your voice, so full of compassion
Glowing with love and emotion.

It feels so right, so true and good.
I cannot see the end of myself,
Only a blended mix of you and me.
Oct 2018 · 246
Love over Time
Haley Oct 2018
Hesitant, reaching out and wondering
Eyes lock, the tension escalating
Pull back, too shy to continue blundering,
This beautiful moment of anticipation.

Sparks are flying, fires burning bright
Fluttering of butterflies spread
The constant reaction simply on sight
Breath stutters to a stop, nervously wanting.

Then suddenly, both are in the same sphere,
No beginning or end of one or the other.
One soul, one body, the melding clear.
Love is a beautiful imperfect thing.

Love is old as time, yet new and unique
No rhyme or reason, color or creed.
Strong and clear in the face of critique,
It is always worth fighting for.
Oct 2018 · 172
Haley Oct 2018
Coming into the light, we evolve
All creatures from large to small
Just like snakes shed their skin
Rising out of Eden levels of sin.

To rise from the ash after we fall
Former selves a demode shell
Purest light a wonderful sight,
Soul a thing of beauty, in flight.

Symphony of sight and sound,
All once leaving the past haunt behind.
Creating something uniquely you,
An inspiring blend of old and new.
Inspiration, accept the past, embrace the future. You are uniquely you
Apr 2018 · 385
Melding souls
Haley Apr 2018
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Eyes deeper than the trenches,
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Lips so simply soft and sweet.

Fingers ache until they next will touch,
A warm, strong, and safe embrace.
Eye to eye, hip to hip, nearly too much
It is a magical adventure, not a race.

Thump. Thump. Thump.
Faster and faster, butterflies whirling
Heart and mind twirling, swirling.

Hearts and bodies rise in escalation,
Tingles overwhelm, thoughts a-blur.
Minds and mouths sigh in revelation,
This wondrous blend of him and her.
Feb 2017 · 582
Transformation in progress
Haley Feb 2017
Living in a world where anything flies,
Growing up, we all aim to desensitize
Getting used to murderous lies
No longer do we hold true to family ties.

Where has all the love gone?
"Where have all the flowers gone?"

Love is lost, if ever it was at all
Through it all we must grow strong and tall
BE the change you wish to see,
Show the world what a human should be.

Bring back the light, the love, the joy.

Find a lead on the peace and the compassion,
Search out the unique and the exception,
Trust, respect, and common sense seem to be for ration.
Young and old, participate in the deception.
Jul 2014 · 994
Wishes Let You Fly
Haley Jul 2014
Staring, dreaming, wishing, doing,
Up up and away my wishes will fly,
Just keep going, just keep pursuing,
High high high up into the open sky.

Flying free, a whisper on the breeze,
Floating, soaring, diving, just being.
High enough to see the droplets freeze,
Into rainbow shimmering crystals of ice.

Mountains, lakes, millions of ecosystems.
A bird's eye view of the world big and small,
Can you hear it? The whole Earth hums
Through it all I stand, hopeful and tall.

My dreams and wishes will soon become a reality
Some have already, and I know this to be true
As sure as I know that to all there is a beautiful duality,
Yin and yang, a light and a darkness to every living thing.

Let your dreams fly and your wishes come true,
The world and life as we know it is all in perception
And the only one controlling your happiness is you.
So wish big and do not stop until you reach your dreams.
Jul 2014 · 487
Haley Jul 2014
Inside out and upside down,
Tossing, turning, flipping 'round,
Forehead creased in a solemn frown
Right, center, left and back to ground

Your thoughts seem to drown,
in the scary place of dreams,
all decked out in greys and brown,
everything is seldom as it seems.

Haunted souls wail a weary tune,
Echoing off the cavern walls,
But here at last comes the sweet boon,
A beautiful croon to lay your mind to rest.

Rainbows and unicorns, cotton candy clouds,
Mountains of cookies and ice cream and cake,
Sunshine and happiness the world enshrouds,
If only if only this innocence would last.

But the day becomes reality and the alarm beeps,
The little girl awakens with a heavy heart,
Travesty and desolation are common in the deeps
of her mind, her soul, her weariness masked.

But lights will come on and love will come soon,
The battle will end and the storm will pass,
She just has to hold on and look at the moon,
Make wishes to the man of the moon and believe.
Sep 2012 · 1.5k
Storm Goddess
Haley Sep 2012
White, grey, then black
In and out, now all blurring together
Fading, ever so gradual the display
Fainter the colors become,
Dreary and mellow, no longer
The darkness pervades, grief

Sadness and regret, intertwined
The goddess of the sea mourns
Her wail echoing in the winds

Stormy seas and choppy waters
Boats tossed upon the rocks
Mangled bits of driftwood
Glass and seashells scattered
Neither close nor far
Simply everywhere and nowhere

A sudden crack, a slice of hope
Golden hues prevail at last
But the damage is done
The pieces scattered and broken
Only time will truly tell
Whether the broken can be made whole.
Jun 2012 · 1.3k
Haley Jun 2012
Little puffs of smoke, exhale
condensed water in the air.
All around you, surrounding you,
through the trees it rustles.
Why does the wind whisper?
it sings to you a story,
a story often told throughout.

Choices made, quickly decided,
Do we linger a moment more?
Do we hurry on our way?

We can learn much from the world around us,
if we wish to take in and synthesize
take the time and discover a natural world.
I need to fix this one, it jumps around too much, its unfinished
Jun 2012 · 451
Simply Time
Haley Jun 2012
Time, time, always time,
for I must pen a rhyme.
Tick, tock, slowly tick,
a habit I must quit.
Minutes rule my thoughts,
and hours sadly too.
I must learn to forget,
but also to remember.
First learnt this time is best,
that time can never hold you.
You hold the key to time,
even as I end this line.
Don't ever let time rule you,
for it will only ever fool you.
Jun 2012 · 535
Fading Memory
Haley Jun 2012
Light enters, clouds fill with color, birds chirp
awaken from your deep slumber
its time to begin the day anew.
Consciousness pervades the mind,
cognitive processes begin
thoughts begin to tumble
as blurry eyes peer around you
a slight deception from your dreams.
this is not the big white house you dreamt
this is the prison that had held you
dank and dirt, deterioration of the senses
how will your mind survive...
boredom and monotony rule the day
but wait, can it be?
Yes, sweet freedom at last!
but what to do, who to be and where to go
years have past and lives have changed
the past is gone and so has your former life
friends no longer remember,
family has spent so long trying not to care
that they somehow almost erased your memory
a black smudge on the wall of the mind
thats all you are, how did this happen
lost, confusion, inner turmoil
how did one decision, one moment of explosion
trigger this decimation of your memory?
how to be human, how to be on your own
basically how to be free.
but freedom is not all its cracked up to be... is it?
May 2012 · 449
Haley May 2012
i love the way you touch me, holding me so near
i love the way you talk to me, the way you whisper in my ear
i love the way you smile, the way you truly care
i love the way your hair gets, unruly but so cute
i love the way you hold me and the way you sometimes stare
i love it when i'm with you, i cant stand when we're apart
a piece of me goes missing and i dont even know where to start
but a piece of me i already miss, because with you resides my heart
Nov 2011 · 554
Haley Nov 2011
Escape... or simply a brief reprieve
Lose yourself in the tangle of the trees,

Part of one, or part of many,
Trees blurring past, a glint, a sparkle....

Catching your eye, to re-enter the world is the choice.
Center, always remember to blur the edges
One step, then two. Slowly forget the world around you

Forgetting and yet remembering,
Losing yourself but at the same time discovering more.

Receding back as the ocean fades from the shore,
mere memories remain traces of what was, a shell waiting

Focus, focus.

Thoughts center, take in everything yet focus on nothing
Your best thinking is done this way.

Suddenly a sound pervades, permeating the silence
A soft whistling as the wind rushes past,
A humble gurgling as the river tumbles through the rocks
A higher note, a sweet tune finally bringing back awareness

Back to the world, the sounds and tangle of thoughts
The stillness and silence was nice while it lasted...
Nov 2010 · 705
Art of a Kind
Haley Nov 2010
Tracing, ridges, over and over it repeats.
Black on white and white on black
color seeps through the space
lines lines, shapes and forms
Blurrs the lines, reality or fantasy.
Dreams, fly away with your mind
while thoughts evolve to plans,
plans evolve to action.

Such subtleties, tools
the instruments of your trade
the means of your dreams come true.

Perfection has no definition
a beholder's eye acts as judge.
Opinion, all evaluation based on disposition
good or bad, beauty or beast, art or junk.
One man's trash is another's treasure

Information, texture, another mind
Dreams laid bare for all to see
My heart, my soul, my fragile dreams
All have wings to fly sky high
On and on, up and over
floating with clouds and rainbows
All possibilties considered,
dont hold back, release your inner self
expression in its purest form.

Paint, pencil, camera, film
fantasy and dreams become reality
Springing to life, *creation is complete
Sep 2010 · 423
Haley Sep 2010
The choices we make,
I'd love to tell you that we have it all figured out,
but words are just words and
the choices we make,
the promises we break;
the times we fall down,
though we try our hardest

A promise to a long lost love
a turn to the darker side of life
or follow the light through the dark
a phrase muttered in ignorance
a truthful lie to spread like weeds
A secret leaked through silent lips
betrayal or purely accidental
how are we to judge or truly know.

The human mind is complicated
We are all shadows shuffling
through life to find the light
where we will glow and glitter
as the pieces of our souls
are now made clear.

Today or possibly tomorrow,
night or is it day?
does it matter, will you stay?
Or will you simply wonder
as I enter that colder slumber
or freefall through the clouds
as soft and melancholy
as my final silent sleep
Sep 2010 · 469
Sleepless Night
Haley Sep 2010
My inner mind is troubled
on many a restless night.
Deep is the root of curiosity,
ever a lingering musing.
Rest, I beg you, rest well,
for sleep evades me still.

As I lie within the darkness,
a waking restfullness enfolds me.
Thoughts turn to fragments,
as I wearily drift deeper.
The last thing I remember,
as I enter deeper slumber,
is the stillness of the silence
whispering to me *good night...
Sep 2010 · 445
Dream or Not a Dream
Haley Sep 2010
My mind a twisted trap,
as gnarled as a tree,
oh who would envy me?
Ensnare my thoughts and dreams,
a shadow is seldom as it seems.
As they trap my silent screams,
I finally remember my dreams.
I wake with a terrible fright,
of the monster that gave me a fright.
He has many a dreadful lair,
for he goes by the name NIGHTMARE.
Sep 2010 · 445
Music's Inspiration
Haley Sep 2010
Music, Music, musical notes,
so it streams and so it floats.
As swiftly as a rushing stream
flowing through my dreams...
Lyrics fill my gentle soul,
to inspire is its very goal.

To stop my music, or so it seems,
is to crush my hopes and dreams.
Many songs do I acquire,
All to simply satisfy desire.
Pen to paper is how it starts,
written thoughtfully and in parts.

This is how a great song starts...
Sep 2010 · 405
Unknown Love
Haley Sep 2010
You still don’t know,
That each rain has its own color,
You still don’t know, that each corner
Has it’s own shadow.
You are yet to know,
...That each single dream
Is memory yet to bloom,
And each remembrance,
A trembling reverie.

Since you don’t know,
Come, listen, behold –
I love you as much
As all showers that turn into seas,
With all the longing of veiled specters
Of all my dreams
– Now mere mementos –
And all budding memories yet to bloom.

My rain, my memory,
My dream, my love…
Sep 2010 · 403
Life Dreams of Love...
Haley Sep 2010
Ever moving, never slowing,
on and on and on it turns,
time goes on as does life's song.
Sometimes gliding right along,
often apace of the human race.
So we live and so we leave,
as we give one final heave,
"Move along..." it whispers softly.
Never choose to stay and dwell,
for the problem will surely swell.
As is said, "It is better to have loved
and lost than to have never loved at
all..." -----
So ponder, muse, and dream a dream.
Sep 2010 · 749
Life's Mockery
Haley Sep 2010
What a twisted life we live,
for our minds, a very sieve.
Give and take all time long,
Never believing we might be wrong.
Life, the cruelest game to play,
never stops and never stay,
til you waste your lie away.
Do not tarry, do not lay,
for evil holds your life in sway.
Look not upon that simple soul,
for to see would diminish your very goal.
Sep 2010 · 443
Haley Sep 2010
Evil is most everywhere, in a sneer or in a stare.
Come too quick or walk too slow, do we stay or do we go?
Lost and learnt, scarred or burnt, twisted intertwined, greedy and unkind.
Beams of light shall seldom penetrate, those giant clouds of lies and hate.
Shading, colors ever darken, He calls in vain as winged ones harken.
Those few still faithful, never hateful are challenged almost every day.
Must we go about life this way?

I wonder if it would ever be possible to have a love with no greed, jealousy, or regret.
Even during times of crisis, we choose our own survival over helping others.
Can it never change?
Can the twisted, dark fate of the human race ever move on and thrive?

— The End —