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  Oct 2019 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
Scenic hills
Green and gold cover of soft grass
Dark Chocolate, thatched roof houses
Serpentine dirt roads
Lined  by trees with flowers pink
Cold and white, the valley fog
Nature and its secrets
Unfold in colours so true
  Oct 2019 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
Upturned umbrellas
Wind and rain
Missing raincoats
Take shelter and walk again

Scooting off through puddles
Splashing water on fellow motorists
Why should little kids have all the fun

Slippery mossy tiles
Earthworms, friends of the farmer
Not mine, touched them once
Never again, yikes

Heading back home
Yes it’s fun getting wet in the rain
Being a child again
  Oct 2019 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
The rainbow tune
Old or new, the lyrics
Every nook and corner, we mix
Emotions on display
Love, pain or loads of fun all under the sun
Rains of comfort, calm and peace
Write as you please
The Rainbow remix
Sharing thoughts
  Oct 2019 Donna
Pagan Paul
When a Dryad cries …

… the bright red leaves
and the tree stands
in a pool
of blood

… forest green leaves
and the tree stands
in a pond
of heartbreak

… red and green leaves
and the tree stands
in a lake
of sorrow

There is no sadder song
than when a tree dies,
there is no deeper grief
than when a Dryad cries.

© Pagan Paul (01/07/18)
Old poem re-written
Dryad - A Tree Nymph/Sprite
  Oct 2019 Donna
Pagan Paul
Do you remember the time
that we built a boat to sail?
I taught you to use tools,
chisels, mallet, plane, knives.
Moving your wrists, touching hands,
guiding your fingers to feel.
We joked and laughed together
as we gouged out the trunk.
We were going to make a canoe
but you wanted a sail boat,
so we worked on the shape
carving the bow to a point.
You taught me how to sew
and I had lots the scars,
little white dots on my fingers,
but we stitched that cloth together.
And when we had made our sail boat
we looked around for the water.
But found we were stood in a desert.
Do you remember the time
that we built a boat to sail?
Do you remember?
Do you?

© Pagan Paul (19/09/19)
  Sep 2019 Donna
Jim Davis
Hot summer ending
In late evening listening
To loud Patsy Cline

©  2019 Jim Davis
Finally in the low 90’s here, smidgen of rain!  SOCKS Spell it out and you’re talking Spanish!
  Sep 2019 Donna
Melissa S
One would think that I got
This thing called life figured out...
But that would be wrong
I’ve been in this world for 43 years
And the only thing I’ve figured out
Is I haven’t figured anything out

Sometimes I think I would just float away
If my son wasn’t holding the strings
He grounds me in a good way
With all the light that he brings

Most days I can hold it together
Other days I want to float out to sea
Would anyone miss me?
Yeah some days I am just getting by
Other days...who knows? I can just lie
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