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  Sep 2019 Donna

I wander throught the works of art
upon a gorgeous but cool day,
Bewildered by the beauty
(and the price they ask to pay).

Paintings hang in canvas booths
in styles of every kind.
Statues, crafts and metalwork
aesthetically designed

Food and drink and music too
a rousing, festive place.
But oh my friends, the greatest art
was smiles on every face.

So many strangers mingling
with a common goal to share
To wit: a friendly greeting
and goodwill enough to spare.

Indeed, the day was perfect
with weather cool and fine.
But nothing tops a friendly smile
in harmony with mine.

  Sep 2019 Donna
Life is a big stage, full of happenings

Somewhere, a child is born
yet in another, a life is lost
While someone is making a fortune,
another person is losing it all
Someone somewhere is leaping for joy
while someone is wallowing in tears
Someone has way too much to eat
while someone somewhere is starving to death

Is it then fair to say that life isn't fair?

While someone is living in sound health,
another is accustomed to pain
One baby is born into riches,
yet another into misery
Someone is living in a peaceful land
Yet another's land is a war zone

It seems like life has different sides,
Different folks are seeing different views
That's why it's important to be kind,
you never know what a person is going through
Certain things are just beyond explanation
Sometimes, life feels like a mystery.
Donna Sep 2019
What does a dog and
a tree have in common , they
love a good old bark

A cheery up happy poem :)
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