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 May 2016 Hadrian Veska
 May 2016 Hadrian Veska
i said that i'm fine,
but your the only one to know i lied,
i want to go back to the day we fell in love,
there's no chance we can work it out,
if i was gonna go somewhere,
i would be there by now,
and maybe i could let myself down,
i gotta keep my feet on the ground,
keep looking around to make sure i'm not the only one to feel alone.
I'm going to mark you as mine
As I scratch my nails down your back in jagged lines
And drag my tongue across your every limb like vines
Tasting every morsel of your skin as we combine
Pushing my arms above my head
Making me clench the pillow by the threads
Engulfed by the pooling heat as it spreads
Through my body on this bed
Your name was like a prayer to me
Safely kept in the corners of my heart
With one utterance I was afraid it would
Send you away
If I could do it over I would say your name every day
And cherish it like a prayer unto my soul
Our love could have healed that hole
That I know pained you
But my lips could only speak truth
And your ears were dead to honesty
Your feet and head took you away from me
You lost me, and I never had you.
erstwhile a halcyon extant universe incessantly ceaseless
cradled itself in hues of violet phosphorescence
laced with cobalt shimmering stars
perpetually whole it nonetheless
sought to know itself

encompassing all that is bubbling over in effervescent ebullience
intertwined with indescribable catastrophic splendor
it shattered into tens of millions of splinters
of eloquent efflorescent light
shining in the night

each splinter heretofore imbued with sempiternal felicity
began to conjure sumptuous dulcet elixirs
furtively seeking out savory emollients
to mollify the pique of separation
plummeting they fell

into monstrous competition seeking demesne they lost the purpose
of gaining awareness and intelligent consciousness
surreptitious estrangement overflowed
deluging them in excruciating agony
thus an epiphany was born

the carving of the beleaguered fragments inked with tremendous pain
created a transfiguration of splinters to crystals
hence enlightenment commenced as the gems
magnetized together constructing a world
where omnipotence shines

the ineffable beauty formed by the reintegration of crystals
far exceeds the original as they dazzle with universal light
bursting from diamonds etched in deep wisdom
flooding the firmament with kaleidoscopic
rainbow strobes cascading the sky

Low clouds come bustling in
Grumbling about being here again

Driven by the Crack of lightning's whip
Winds whip tugging at your grip

Apprehension comes dragging tension
The Crash-Boom for added demension

Raindrops commit suicide on the glass
Bulging in the panes break at last

Stirred in to added confusion
Missing roof is no allusion

Swirling winds puncture your skin
As the walls become vacant beens

Swept away from your stance
Poor you , you never had a chance
From high above the plains,
Running from the mountains above,
Life flows into the lowlands,
The river brings abundance,

The people bathe in it,
The animals wade and drink from it,
Settlements grow around it,
Fields depend on it,

Once a year flows the river red,
Seeping with the waters,
Blood from many men,
From an unknown source,

The villages know of its coming,
The people store water,
It changes over night,
The lifeblood of many passes by,

For three days it will run,
Then wanes to original clarity,
But the residue remains,
Leaves scars along its banks,

Reminding the people of trouble,
Showing them their dependence,
They cannot live without,
The fresh waters of Kalimite.
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