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His way is strewn, with blood and tears,
Pressing onward, despite his fears,
Amidst a cry, of shouts and jeers,
Pleasures tempting, but he adheres,
He stays his soul, braves new frontiers,

A stranger man, was never known,
No plant nor stone, has heard him groan,
A heavy sentence, to bear alone,
His long full beard, has grayer grown,
As on the grass, his bed is thrown,

His life is plain, It has not thrill,
A man of strength, of soul and will,
None shall shake him, And none can ****,
Amid the night, when wind would chill,
A firm resolve, his goals fulfill,

And on until, a final day,
When he walks on, without dismay,
Stumbles upon, the sainted fray,
He drops his cloak, and makes his way,
Up to the gods, with grand hooray,
We cannot know for sure what our future holds
So why do we do what we do?

We work to improve the Unseen
But who says it needs improving?

Take it easy, live your life
*Don't waste today trying to extend tomorrow
Eight Years ago today,
We made promises to each other,
But our vows are thrown away,
You went to love another,

I flew with you away,
To where worries would fade,
I never found the stowaway,
Pretend to love me, Masquerade,

When I found you pleasing him,
And you would not stop to see,
My face and love grow grim,
I began to hate secretly,

Soon you told me you would leave,
Within my chest I could not keep,
You from my heart to cleave,
My hatred and pain were far to deep,

Now the pain is further distant,
It seems calmer and a dull sheet,
But my resentment stays consistent,
Ne're forgive, Ne're repeat,
A solemn man,
Blue, concerned with life,
Thinking, calculating a way,
To keep from throwing life away,

He sits by the window,
Hollowed with moonlight,
His sorrow shows though,
Knowing not what to do,

Then as an angel,
Sent from heaven,
Irisviel descends on his shoulder,
Comfort, reassuring, his upholder,

An angel trapped in a demon,
A woman tormented by herself,
Never knowing peace,
Their woes would never cease,
 Apr 2016 Hadrian Veska
 Apr 2016 Hadrian Veska
Who are you?
The you we keep writing about,
We- the poets; poets around the world,
Across time immemorial and
space immeasurable,
We write about you,
We shape your skeleton
With the strength of all the pain
We've borne, and we sculpt your flesh
With the wistful beauty of our tears,
We bring you to life with our words
Make them course through your body
Like blood,
Who are you?

The cry of our first heartbreak?
The joy of a lover's return?
The stunning silence of absolute loneliness?
Of turmoil and torment, the stinging burn?

You're all of the above,
and more- profoundly more,
You're a piece of every poet's heart,
Infinite power, immense emotion,
You are the cumulative of every drop of blood
The poet has shed through their pen
You are the story that stays stifled inside
the confines of paper, until someone comes along
And unlatches your locks,
Absorbs the burden of the poet's grief,
And at that moment, brings you to the form in
which you had been intended to be.

It is then, that you, the very essence,
the very soul of the poet,
Can take flight, blissfully relieved,
When you are read, your creator is finally free.
is so often
a harbinger
of repair
if only t'would be welcomed as such!

t'is but a matter
of sheer Courage:
of Willpower;
to consciously transmute Grief as such!
 Apr 2016 Hadrian Veska
When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.

At the end of the storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver
Song of a lark.

Walk on through the wind

Walk on through the rain

Though your dreams
Be tossed and blown.

Walk on
Walk on

With hope in your hearts

I And you'll never walk alone

You'll never walk alone.

Walk on
Walk on

By Gerry And The Pacemakers
In memory of the 96
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