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Come lay under the stars with me,
Listening to Stevie sing the songs
That seem like they were written just for us.

Come play with me,
When I want to feel young again.
Catch me, catch me, catch me if you can.
Then lay on the floor with me
When our heaving lungs
Remind us that we're no longer 10 years old.

Come curl up with me
On this couch, under this blanket,
And watch this movie with me.
I know you wont complain,
Even though we've watched it a million times.

Come sing with me in the bathtub
As we give each other shampoo Mohawks
And bubble bath beards.
Sing to me my favorite song
And I'll sing to you that lullaby you like.

Come lay in bed with me
When our day is done.
I want to curl up with you,
Even though this bed is huge
You know I will always end up
Right on your side by morning
But you never seem to mind.
I want to provide her with everything.
I want to be by her side when she faces her fears.
I want to give her the strength to do so.

Her words,
They mean everything.
I hang on to each word as if its oxygen.
Each breath I take is because of her.

I could fall,
and **** could I fall hard.

Broken ribs,
Cuts and scrapes.
None of it will matter.

She will pick me up,
and when she does I will be alright.

Her arms? Safety-net.
Her eyes? Reassurance.
Her smile? Happiness
Her? Home

She's more than okay and good enough.
She is everything beyond that.

I want her to be my home,
My security,
My okay,
My laugh.

I want her.
I want her to be mine.
This one goes out to the new girl in my life
Should I be prepackaged in rolls of bubble wrap
Placed nicely in a box labeled FRAGILE
wrapped in layers of caution tape?
Should I come with an instruction manuals and tagged "HANDLE WITH CAUTION"
To others I'm easily broken
But to me I'm incredibly durable
Maybe the only sign I should have is
Don't leave me alone...
I feel like I'm coming out of my skin...
Suffocation is such a sorry way to go.

Please save me...
The water's getting deep and I can't swim.

I can't breathe.
He doesn't know all the words
To every led zeppelin song
So he doesn't sing along with me
While I'm belting out the lyrics
He doesn't idolize jim morrison
He doesn't love stevie nicks
He doesn't listen to johnny cash
He doesn't feed my mind
He can't tell me something
That I don't already know
He doesn't bite his nails
Or lick his lips
He doesn't have long hair
That I can twirl around my finger
He doesn't know
how much I adore my mom
He doesn't know
How much my father has hurt me
He doesn't know
I live solemnly for my siblings
He doesn't know
That I cry at night
Because I hate my appearance
He doesn't know
The little things that make me laugh
He doesn't know
That the shawshank redemption
Is my favorite movie
He doesn't know
That I hate wearing shoes
He doesn't know
Where I've been
Or where I want to go
He doesn't know
i'm a big fish in a small pond
and i'll never make it in the ocean
He doesn't know
all I ever wanted
was to be loved and taken care of

He doesn't know

He's never going to know

But you know

You know

All the words

to every led zeppelin song
i drink a lot of orange juice.
and i mean a lot.
enough to make people think i have scurvy.

and i cook in crop tops and
paint stained sweatpants.

i recite "scars" by rudy francisco in my shower
and i cry to "if you ever did believe"
by stevie nicks often enough.

what i'm trying to say is that i am
moulding a world where you don't
physically inhabit any part of it.

"there is nothing new except what has been forgotten"

*november.25.2014 8:44 p.m.
She feels herself teetering on the edge of an abyss,
yet she can't bring it out of herself to care.
Looking down into the empty, black darkness,
she finds herself feeling curiosity.
Not fear.
She wonders what would come of herself
if she took that tiniest step forward.
Sitting there on the edge,
dangling her feet against the jagged, broken edges- scraping.
She feels, for lack of a better word, content.
Danger nor safety touch her in this moment.
Of course, in the back of her mind,
she knows that one small push off and she will fall.
Fall into free darkness, liberated.
The small white light that illuminated where she once stood
becoming a faint memory
as it grows smaller and smaller,
eventually being extinguished from her sight.
She would close her eyes
and feel as though she were weightless.
The numbness this moment would hold
runs through her veins
as she stares out into the all consuming blackness,
mentally taking that final jump,
the last leap of faith.
Physically grasping onto anything that will hold,
needing to feel it's solidness on the earth,
something to draw strength from.
A life line.
Standing there on the edge of an end,
she finds a beginning.
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