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Wake me up
when this life is over.
It's not worth the time
it takes to learn
how to  survive.

Wake me up
when this lifetime ends
Just another notch
in the bedpost
of time

Paging Mister Sandman
to take me away
into a sleep
an escape
to wake when it is over

Wake me up.
Some days
I feel like I'm floating
outside of my own body.
This unsettling feeling
of not being all there...
Some days
I feel as though I'm
weighed to the ground.
Like anchors tied to my feet...
Some days
I feel like I'm floating
on a cloud
nothing and no one could
bother me...
But some days
I feel nothing.
This big void inside of me..
Black hole of nothing
turning in on itself...
Some days I feel Nothing
A lot.
Split my skin open
make me feel your pain.
Who made you hurt so bad, baby?
All the anger and un-shed tears
you keep bottled up
are about to explode.
Break me open when you hurt
cut into me with your words
let them flow out of you and into me
I will make you
Whole again.
The heat laps at her skin,
and now she can't breathe again.
Play with fire and you'll only get hurt,
but no one know she likes the burn.
Blistered flesh warps her skin,
playing as battle scars
against the war within herself.
Winning at a losing game
is no Victory.
Pull the plug before it gets too deep.
Keep up with the flow, it's rising steep.
You wouldn't want to drown
Before you had the chance to swim.
Every time I move
I can feel you on my skin-
burned into my flesh
Kiss me-
bite me-
hold me close
I want to feel you again
fresh- just under my skin.

I can feel you when I sleep.
Your hands-
Your lips-
Pressed against me.
Bruise me-
Mark me-
Make me yours.
I want to feel you
from wherever you are.
People underestimate the importance of a Sunrise
Sun and clouds painted a shade of fire you wouldn't believe.
Passing by seemingly lifeless houses
Where in their darkness,
There are the dreamers.
Illusions flood through them like blood
Coursing hot through veins.
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