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1.7k · Mar 2017
The Bracelet
Grace Kay Mar 2017
I gave you my heart
And in return you gave me nothing,
I opened all my windows and doors
But you kept all yours shut,
I tried so hard to make you laugh
But the most you could manage was a smile,
I bought you gifts
And you gave me a bracelet.

A token of the love you never show,
A reason for me to keep trying,
A way to feel the relief,
A bracelet.

No emotion,
No charisma.
But a bracelet.

A little, shiny, sterling silver bracelet.
No charms and no colour.

Just a bracelet.
From the heart ❤️
1.5k · Jan 2017
On Reflection
Grace Kay Jan 2017
My mirror is cracked
my dignity broken, shattered.
Into millions of little pieces

"Am I beautiful?"
I ask in curiosity
I ask in doubt
I ask. Desperate.

I wear a mask
it covers my desperate
it covers my doubt
it covers my. Ugly.

The water falls
my face is old,
I paint it brand new

dusk is here
I wipe away the remnants
I am like a tree;
natural, tall, free
yet I am like a fledgling;
scared, venerable, weak
day's out and

I. Can. Breathe.
From the heart❤
513 · Jan 2017
The Consept of Love
Grace Kay Jan 2017
I live for me

Not for him, not for her, not for them.
But for me.

You think I wear this dress to amuse you
**** right I do -
out of lack of self respect and self dignity

You think I say those things to impress you
**** right I do -
out of the love that is buried deep within my broken heart

You think I buy those gifts to please you
**** right I do -
out of the fear that I feel when I think of losing you to someone else

So I lied.

I told myself I lived for me,
the truth is that,
I live for you.
From the heart ❤️

— The End —