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1.9k · May 2015
GGRamone May 2015
I'm the anarchist judging all those hypocrites
You're the hypocrite judging all those anarchists
There is a thin line between guys like you and I
We share a...Similar scene, though
Filled with...Sin-ful Misfits.
Clean cut suits, or ripped jeans
Baby, it doesn't matter to me...
No time to flatter, its time for the crime
Of justifiable homicide.
1.5k · May 2015
GGRamone May 2015
Fill this empty head with your meds and send me off to bed
Tell me my story by candle light
About how my feelings are wrong, how I don't belong
But I can still fight so my body can reunite
I am crying, screaming, and bleeding
But boy I am still dreaming
I dream of being  strong
I dream that I can hold on
While you're gone.
Nothing special.
1.0k · May 2015
This Is Not A Marionette
GGRamone May 2015
I have handed you the scissors.
So you can cut free.
So please don't pull the trigger and leave .
She's pulling your strings, leading you on
dance puppet dance its been a show all along
How can I help my puppet?
Realize that she is gone...
Oh my little Pinocchio
You do belong
You're not her toy, you're a real life boy.
About a friend, that has no idea that I've been chasing after him for all along.
GGRamone Jun 2015
My memory is damaged and short lived
But when you're scent became a drift
I looked out my window
Hoping you would be there
Your scent so powerful
It revived our last call to my mind
You told me it would be fine
I told you it was going to be like the movies
And that I would be your beauty
The rain has stopped
The pain is real
I missed your kiss
Where has my beast disappeared
As I look out my window
It begins again.
I hear the dance
Like the sound of a clock
The rain has come back
For a second chance
I'm a theater person, so I am reading this a certain way. I'm sure others can read it differently than I imagine it to be read and still like it. But thats why it is split up into three sections
500 · May 2015
Just Like A Movie
GGRamone May 2015
Kiss her in the rain
Before she leaves for her plane
Just like a movie, but with more pain
You better hurry she's going east
She is your true beauty, to your depressed beast
Wipe those tears away, its making your vision...
Shhh blurry
This shouldn't be a hard decision
no wonder why your chest is so heavy
Will you stay the night and make amends
Will you become more than friend
Will you go now before it all ends.
lovelostlust returninglove
441 · May 2015
GGRamone May 2015
Every morning, I check the pages
lonely or in love
I'm lost and only want your hug
I stare, at these empty web pages
You've done it again
You've vanished into thin air
Depressed and delusional
Did you find your way through prayer?
When you return will I still be beautiful
Will you be the way you were
Depressed and delusional
This won't be a blur
While I'm at your funeral
Don't die on me now
I can't stand this anymore
Lets make love not war
These web pages have been torn
I'm not sure if i'm finished...Boyfriend left today, and this is how I feel.
280 · May 2015
GGRamone May 2015
I miss the kisses and long letters
Your sweaters, making me feel like I belonged
I miss our slow dances
The warm bed and glances
I miss the glow
But where did it all go?
Should I believe in second chances?
Or should I begin to grieve
While you leave?
not done

— The End —