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 Apr 2015 georje naïf
Have you tried being so close to a person yet feels so far?
He's just beside you but his thought is out of reach
You're together but you know you can never have him
He said he loves you but you feel nothing
No passion, no feelings and especially no love at all

You always ask yourself what is wrong with you
Am i enough for him?
If i will stay with him for a little while, will he recognize my efforts?
Will he love me back?

But you're wrong, very very wrong
Because honey you're beautiful, you're smart
And there is nothing wrong about you
You just pick the wrong guy
And soon he will realize that he's a ****
a ******* and a fool for hurting someone like you

It will take you some time for you to move on
But you won't have any regrets because you did you're best
You did everything to fix this, to stay with him
But his just the wrong guy
So you better wait
Because the right one is just on his way
 Apr 2015 georje naïf
Have you imagined yourself in a middle of a field?
Alone and left enchanting with the beauty of nature
Captivated with its attractive creatures
Thanking god for making all this blessings
Fascinated by how he trust us to nourish his creation
Feeling like you might explode any time
Because your heart is overloading with different emotions
Hope, faith and love

It makes you speechless at the same time teary eyed
You don't know how you can reciprocate his glory
And you feel like you deserve none of this things
This clean air that provides you life
Those grasses with its perfect shade of green that relaxes you
Those trees with its fruits that provide shelter and food
Those weird noises of the insects at night that lulled us to sleep

Little things that we forget to be grateful
We're blinded by our progress that we neglect our own origin
Have you ever thank god for this?
We just bypass this things just like we bypass others
Because we are self-centered, selfish and always seeking for more
We are not satisfied, We are not contended
But at least can we thank god for this things that seemed nothing?
 Apr 2015 georje naïf
Who are you to judge?
A person called a murderer
Who made his hands ***** because he's provoke
Because he choose to live
An old man who robbed a store
Because he's desperate, hungry and sick
Whose mother is dying in the hospital and has no money to extend her life
A mother who leave her child
She, who doesn't have the privilege to study and live a normal life
Because she doesn't think she's good enough to support
her daughter's needs

Who are you to judge this people?
Don't you have mistakes of your own?
Who are you to say harsh words to them?
And who are you to exclude them from second chances?

How do we differ from murderers
If we wish those people we hate to death
How do we differ from robbers
If we steal their chances to be better, to be something different
And how do we differ from mothers who leave their children
If we abandoned those people who deserve forgiveness

Who are we to judge?
We're not god almighty
And we don't know their story
So cut the crap and stop judging
 Apr 2015 georje naïf
There's this one sheet of paper i crumpled when we took separate paths
The only thing he's left for me
Reminding those days we've been together
Those endless days that pass just like a bliss
Leaving me shocked and broken
This single sheet i tried to throw so many times i lose count
That ended up locked in a dark, cold chest across my room
When i thought i was finally ready
My hands were shaking and my breath was uneven
I closed my eyes till i unlocked the box
I'm hurt with the sudden burst of light
Images kept flickering in my head
Every single moment i tried to forget for so long
Every single emotion i kept
Forming a flashback that made my heart stop for so many times
How could this letter broke the wall I've build up myself for a long time?
How could it bring life to those feelings i thought was finally gone?
I don't realize how affected i was
until i saw a single drop of water fall through the paper
My head spins and in any time i would faint
Its like the whole world came crashing to me again
Breaking every bones and taking every breath
I screamed until there's no voice left
I cried until there's nothing to shed
But why can't i forget him when the only thing he's left for me
is this one crimson letter
You told me once,
  " I love you."

At first I believed it.
But when you turned your back on me,
I saw what you've been hiding.

The hurt that washed over me.
The shattering sounds I hear in my heart.

The words you spoke
  I no longer believe.

Your love was a lie
I can not defeat.
 Apr 2015 georje naïf
 Apr 2015 georje naïf
Once while raining i looked at the glass window
Not to see the spectacle but to see myself
But I'm taken aback with what i saw
A girl I didn't know was staring at me
And I eagerly ask my self who she is
Is she the ever-loving daughter at this house?
Or the  girl who seemed born to please others?
Her bright smile which she never forget to wore
Her silly jokes who makes everyone at ease
And her laugh so genuine always lighten up the atmosphere
But have you looked in her eyes?
Have you tried staring directly at it?
Because it tells another story
Her eyes so pure seemed to have a voice of its own
screaming, searching and pleading
Her gaze is lethal and as broke as she is from the inside
Even the most alluring smile can't hide the loneliness in her eyes
If you'll just pay attention
You will see her heart through her eyes shattering into pieces,
abandoned in a dark cold place and silently shouting
**"It's not me, Its fake"

— The End —