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Life ***** like a sponge
When you just can't get it right
And you miss Happy Hour at Sonic.
If my physical wellbeing is any kind of indicator
I'd say that I'm wibbly-wobbly, piney-whiney.
Can't stand without swaying, and I wish I didn't sound so pitiful and pathetic.
 Jun 2014 Gental wind
I am no stranger to pain,
let's be real, who is?
Everyone has their own trials and tribulations
to overcome.
Overcoming is the key part, though.
Pain, whether it be
a second, minute, hour, day, or even a year,
is very much so
Quitting and giving up lasts
Just knowing this isn't enough,
as my inner circle would tell you,
I'm as guilty as they come with losing hope.

Even when my hands are calloused from digging,
and the hot sun baked my skin, boiling my blood,
I feel cold,
That is, I did, then along came some friends.
Who saw something in me that I'm still not sure exists,
pulled me out of that hole, ripped that shovel from my hands.
I'm not going to sit here and lie to you,
it hasn't all been unicorns and rainbows,
as I occasionally stumble back into that hole.
But each and every time,
those same hands reach down and pull me back out.
Isolation doesn't show strength, but an inability to be weak.
I usually don't write notes, but with this one I'll make an exception. Usually I just write stuff down to get it off my mind, but I figure if I can reach just one person through this, and it helps them, even in the smallest detail, than my entire time on this website will be worth it. I don't care for likes or trending poems, however I do appreciate people taking time out of their busy days to read what I have to say. Thank you to all the people that read my "poems/stories/rants" and, obviously, thank you to my friends that have helped make me the person I am today. If you enjoy what I write, you should thank them too, as it was their idea that I start writing here in the first place.
 Jun 2014 Gental wind
Tom Ridley
all those words
left floating in the air                                                           im sorry
you can do nothing for them
the words that you say but no one hears
though you keep hoping                                         please forgive me
that someone might hear them
and ask you                                                   "what's wrong?"
so you can respond with everything
everything that's gone wrong
everything that's your fault
but no one asks
because no one hears
so there you are, stuck with the words
floating in air
**** you look through the poems titled 'words' and there's like 70,000 different ones
 Jun 2014 Gental wind
Dominique U
My heart is a vacuum.
A void I refuse to fill in...
It's vacancy seems to be a lost cause.

Robbed by circumstances of the past.
I can't be touched...
I can't be moved...
I am detached...

Devoid of deep attachments...
I **** in emotions to nothingness.
It's inevitable I'll bring you to my emptiness...

Forgive me for my heart is but a black hole.
I've always managed to be detached...
 Jun 2014 Gental wind
 Jun 2014 Gental wind
Do not feel bad for me.
Do not feel sad for me.
Do not feel mad for me.
I am completely capable of feeling for myself.
 Jun 2014 Gental wind
Donna Arden
I sketched a story around my battle between rain and it's contemporary, the wind,
last night.
Drawings outlined with a harsher  pencilling , some  softer in lucidity.
Can it be,
the entirety of ones journey
from birth till death
is all in the lines of pencilling.
I pencilled my story ,
reinventing possibilities,
what ifs,
if onlys..
Would things have turned out differently ........
Somehow ...
My sketch came out beautifully
.....entirely what it's all meant to be.
Chalkings .......

June 2014
 Jun 2014 Gental wind
Tark Wain
Everything happens for a reason
Said one man to another
that’s ******* you know he responded
and even if that was so
should it be some consolation
should I be amazed by the worlds complexity?
should I applaud the interwoven madness
if the one left out is me?

Does a bull admire a matador’s technique?
Does a building admire the strength of a wrecking ball?
Tell me why the system is great
why I should care about the meaning behind it all
what you have is what you love
and I could never love a theory
I believe in the material
because it’s the only thing my eyes can see

Tell me why my wife died
Was it to save a thousand lives?
because I would **** a thousand more
for one more look into her eyes
Maybe her death
somehow saved my life
well one day I will die
without the comfort of my wife

That’s all it really is my friend
a celebrated rain delay
God’s in his high chair
choosing who will go and who will stay
but eventually we will all leave
despite all the magic this universe has to offer
you believe in faith sir
but sadly I am bogged down in fact

The man was choked up
as he searched for words to answer the other
I did not know your babies mother
but my son did
She pushed him to safety from a car
taking the impact that was meant for him
so while I'm sorry for your loss friend
there is a reason behind everything
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