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i see him there every day
he always watches me
the town people call him stray
he calls himself free

"there's big fish under this bridge"
he points to a submerged stone
"that's where the whale lives"
I cast my line toward it's home

the old man smiled and watched me cast
idle hands and vicarious eyes
"don't try to set the hook too fast"
"this whale is really wise"

my line went tight, i felt the pull
i yanked with all my might
too hard headed to follow the rule
'let him take a big ole bite"

i threw my pole, and fell in the water
the old man only laughed
he said "look on the bright side"
"at least you got a bath"

(his smile made the water shimmer brighter
his laughter sang with the birds...)

"i'll be back soon to claim my prize
with a heavier pole and line
for me to catch a whale that size
it's going to take a lot of time"

now when i see the old man
we talk of the ones that got away
his wife, his kids, his life
and the fish i lost that day
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The pale moon sky

Little child

Death is everywhere

The long hard road

The cold  mean stare

The ugliness


Oh say do you still see me

I never forget the truth

Of eternal loving kindness

And the moment

Of every afternoon

Of peace

Can you still see me

Under the pale moon sky

We don't have to die

We could make it if we try

We could find the strength

If we come together

Eye to Eye

If we come together

Facing Fate
The cryptic missive
Written in ink ancient
Eloquent quill scribbles
Old English vocabulary
Unfamiliar etymology
Unknown writer
Chronicled messages unclear
For whom, none known
Yet to be deciphered
Papyrus survived
And words of yesteryear
On a time travel to future
Wonder, if anyone had read
Back in olden times
Or, was it a prophecy
For the future to unravel
A seer with vision
To foresee the future
Should we be forewarned?
Lest the truth was known
And we are living a lie
My whispers sketch
An indelible picture
On your heart
Compared to words
The soft undertones
Are like lilting music
At the background
When the painter
Is at work
His favorite canvas
To be filled with colors
Inspiring music
Emanating from souls
At the same frequency
Feelings dipped in
The exotic aroma
An exalted saga
Is being scripted
With a dramatic ******
Every poem is precious
Words carry the
Deepest emotions
Of our heart
Experiences, soul stirring
Makes one restless
Until those feelings are
Expressed on blank paper
Absorbing the impact
Of those strong emotions
Poet holding the pen
Feeling the ink’s undercurrent
Every moment
Getting drawn in by the force
To let the words out
Thus, poetry is birthed
Much turmoil and passion
Encapsulates every poetry
Finally, we see the order of words
In the form of poetry
And the soul of poetry
Sketched with conviction
Spreading the relevant message
I got all i need
and i dont care
for anymore
your success
my failure

no measure for time
spinning wheels
gaining no ground
love draggin me down
in regret
in denial

i could grow and show
you how worthy
i am

but there would
not be a ripple
a stumble
second glance

ive grown used
to getting around
Like a fog that blinds,
her smile dazzles you.
Like a chain that binds
her eyes imprison you.

She's a work of art.
She's such a hard worker.
She could break my heart
and she's mine all mine.

The longest dark hair
and her curvy features.
Plus two small hands
that make cute gestures.

She's a work of art.
She's such a hard worker.
She could break my heart
and she's mine all mine.
Tiny feet taking a walk
Small and steady steps
Careful not to trip down
Still not sure of which foot goes where
Sometimes right, sometimes wrong
Busy strolling around
Little baby in momma's big flip flops
I am crying
But I need more than just a box of tissues
Because my heart is also weeping within
Help me!
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