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Thousands of doors are going
To open Today
After a Long Day
Of Sultry Dark
Slowly moving Clouds
But what it is!
As if the speed of the wind more than
A Hurricane

Extreme sound Rocking the Sky,
The Home
And the Expanding
Barren Field,  
Repeatedly being Thunder Around
As far as I can See
Across the Horizon
The Rain has come down
As Cats and Dogs
Dim Light in the Room
Hope, despair shaken
Windows Open
Southern waves
Randomize the Poetry Books
Flying Pages,
Never before or after in the

The Scent of the Poetry
In the Air
Sky-word Sentences
I have seen my Reflection
In the Light of the Short
The past Knocking
On the Closed Door
To open the Wide Sky

You have sat down
In the Horizon
That has reminded
The First Love Poem
Where I read
And planted my Dreams
Bringing the garden

Where there the moonlit
Of moonlight has
Crafted the Dreams  
Like an Imagination
As if,
Unclogging Peacock's Feather

But the sudden wind  
Increasing the Velocity
Light has been Extinguished
Yet the Flame Alive
But don't see my Reflection,
In the distant Glass,
In the Poetry,
In the Words

In an Angular way,
Through the Windows
Rain coming into the Limelight
Put away the Poetry
And the Dreams
As the Books of Poetry has Seemed
Like the Stones

But Yet I'm waiting,
For The Next morning
Where the Hope will Come Again
In the Shining Smile of Light
poetry pages flying never before or after in the
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He makes her stay, in his memory for yet another day,
didn't she wait, without the sign of desperation in anyway,
the world has it's callous ways, they were mute witnesses it seemed
she understood, he kept silence, hoping for the best; did he pretend?

In each garden he strolls, she appears as a flower, he struggles to forget,
in every flower he kisses she is the musky scent that makes him faint
on a rainy day, he stood enchanted, watching a peacock dance,
the eye- spots on it's feathers about her love eloquently spoke.

He lives a life went awry,can't blame it on her, she never complained,
it's him, who erred as a lover,the silent apathy that brewed destroyed,
misled by it's  blue hue he chose poison, that numbs,a grave mistake
facing mountain ranges, alone, he seeks forgiveness for his corruption.
Melancholic pale moon, lovelorn shy ******,
kept on peeping from her corner of the sky,
through the window we left deliberately open
knowing her curiosity, as detained ever, to be solitary.
Let her find out that we both didn't sleep
or remain quiet , not a moment, all night,
as the night sky responded vehemently
in celestial pyrotechnics to our delighted squeals.
Troubador keep your happy songs
Of love and sin;
Sing for the lost in night and day;
For those that crossed
And cannot say
That love lies lonely
In the grave.
It's dark,
Cold and stark;
Colder than
A cold dead heart
That shuns one's love today.
Upside down
On a wire,
Tell us landing
Keeps you
But you're better off
As an airy flyer.
If it were not for Some
How was the Start of the
And even though some may Start
Something must have
Means automatic did Not

Your Earthly Life
This day
And This night

The tree needs Soil
It takes Light

Just as you Are
So Love Exists
There are Smiles

There is Nothing
Where you Can't
All the Dark
The Stars in the night Sky,
Even I couldn't See
There is no Moon,
In the Darkness

Why one for Another
Everyone why Each
The inside address seems quite Difficult
But not too Difficult

If you Try,
You can Catch a Few
It's your Secret to Everyone
I think you are my creation this Address
Have Taught

Very Simple
Such Life
So there is Death
The Earth exists so there is Light
The Trees are
So Fruits,
Has its branches for the Birds
Embroiled Nest
Sing the Songs
The Songs are in the air to You

You have come to Me
Together in Love
Is made from the River
Goes out to the Sea
Get lost in the Midst
Of a wave of a Thousand Million
Back Again
In Another Form
Mystery of any other Occasion
Any other Day
@Musfiq us shaleheen
Your form of mystery//
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You are the thought that starts every morning
You are the conclusion to each day
You are in all that I do
And everything I say.

You are the smile on my face
The twinkle in my eye
The warmth in my heart
The fullness in my life

You are the dimple on my cheek
The tingle in my soul
The voice that makes me  weak
The happiness in my life

You are all that I love
You are all that I need
You are all that I dream of
You are all of this to me
Lost in the city lights
Are small palms
Are little feet
Are muddy faces
Of children of a thousand unknown names
Those palms holding a bunch of 5 rupee roses.
And feet scurrying about amongst the traffic signals
Selling their future to wipe your car's windows
And muddy faces serve you
While their childhood
Brews in your cup of chai.
She, masking the lies from within
Hiding around as air so thin
Bathed, my skin in her scent
Broken, our lives, we cannot win
Sin, we have anguished deep inside
Far along from our hearts and mind
Darkness comes, it rises, surrounds
My life a lie, a truth u cannot find
So mask me now, mask me more
The lies they come, the lies they don't go
But whatever happens forever we will be
As I yearn for you, more then I do for me.
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