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 Jul 2016 Geetha Jayakumar
Oh,My Love.
How heavy these days without the light from your window,
How heavy these hours without you.
Your disappearance severe blow,
Who has led my soul to blackness
Dusty wind blew out my fragile happiness.

Ours swing remained unnecessary to anyone,
They do not bring more inspiration
Nor thine,neither me.
Now the night for me at it as if dead.

How run away thence?!
How do i find you?!
If i see you even just once,
Even if mainly cloudy,
In my heart will be sunny.

I will soak up the rays of light,emanating from you
And one last once recognize the long-awaited feeling of joy.
Your eyes are blue...
My beloved sweet boy...

Be happy,be love..
But what a pity,that you can not take this from me,
Therefore i write octave,
My torment, my eternal love.
Don't leave me....
You call me Lesbian
I say, yes I am
You call me Gay
I say, yes I am
You call me Bi-******
I say, yes I am
You call me Transgender
I say, yes I am
It doesn't matter what you call me
It doesn't matter what you think
you will not change who I am

I am who I am
I believe in equality.
One Earth
One Species
we are all Human
children of Earth
 Jun 2015 Geetha Jayakumar
Sing to me like one of your girls
I'll find your beat even if they can't be heard
Into your rhythm, I can be wringed
I'll take it all up to the ones I can
I'll dance and dance until I lose my feet
I'll just look at you until I lose my sight
I'll let the fire burning until it loses its heat
I'll keep you in my heart until it loses its beat
It is easy
Just to give up
Just to stay in bed
Why bother

This can be anyone
A friend, a teacher, a bully
Someone from home
A sibling, a father, a mother

This could be you
It is easy to want to cry
Hide away
Just disappear

But you are told no
Be strong
This is your burden
It is yours to bear

Just going trough life
Going trough the motions
Wear your mask
Wear your smile

Will the feeling last
How long
Will it go away
Or is it staying awhile

Am I stuck
Trapped in this cage
Going around in a rut  
No way out

No one will hear me
No one will listen
No matter what
Even if I yell and shout

Everyone feels like this
But we only know the me
It is only how I feel
No one knows how I feel

But everyone have these feelings
Everyone thinks this way
But we built this wall
This is real

You can't come in
The wall is up
You don't know
Just to give up on everything

This is the life we are given
The life we live
This is the story that is written
The song we sing
This pride tastes sour,
and the dignity bittersweet,
and all I can taste
is your lips touching mine.

All I can feel is
our skin so tight together and,
your voice saying
our hands fitted perfectly.

Where are they now?
I can't even recognize
myself without you
or trust the decisions I made
when I was high
with your smell.

It is like a facade that
has fallen  and,
I'm staring at the
same black wall, I
thought had left, but
in fact it never left.

It wasn't real
and yet
this broken heart, is
killing me
I want a mouthful
  of truth
without you sugar coating
  every word
but those lies that lie
  behind your pearly whites
only goes to show
  you can't ever tell the truth.
So, I'll keep my mouth shut
  bite my tongue so hard
My lips touch
  like a kiss from you
Never open, only
  Blowing our love out of proportion
because I can't give
   my heart to you
with no proof,
just changing gears
  and shifty eyes.
You whisper, "Honey,"
  But that's your disguise
Executing every syllable and consonant
  Like a devout man
but baby you're not heaven sent.
  So, pull me close
until you start to fall apart
  and to be honest I can't wait
to hear you talk your way
  Out of this one
but I'll be sweet enough
  to watch you rot
From too many
  candy covered lies.
Your love is
White cotton


****** ink

Day after Night
Night after Might

Notes Scribble
Notes Scrabble

As my heart
yearns for you

Of Adriatic Zephyrs
Blow my dreams

Destined direction

Future Journeys
Rock boats

The Canues
The Cocoons
Of your sweetest heart

And you know what !?!
You proud male~sweetest man !

I would say to you :

Oh ~baby !
Let's mount that train !

Let us Play Again !

Along the strange cocoa Coasts . . .
You can catch me there ~
Dreaming of your
_ _ _ _

Beautifies Everything !

Life is packed

With pickels

Glued on your
Baggage Honey Bears
And Native Horses
Are not Badgers
Empty beaches
Are not what they seem !

She said
Darling !

You said
She said !

Love us !

And she


And You ~
Handsome Mind

At Might

Sombre butterfly
In this Night
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
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