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  Oct 2014 galafani
Kabelo Maverick
"...have a new mind...!!!"
  Oct 2014 galafani
Carrie B
Must escape from
this information saturation
craving Facebook likes
to receive some affirmation
connect to Mother Nature
and watch the

Feet, heartbeat, breath, thoughts
are all in synch, during a walk.

Leaves and dappled sunshine
flourish then quietly die
Birds ride air currents
soar across the sky.

Little sound around
but the crunch of gravel
under rhythmic boots
forest loneliness a marvel.

Connection to the earth
ground beneath feet
you move upon
it moves beneath.
  Oct 2014 galafani
The Good Pussy
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  Oct 2014 galafani
Musfiq us shaleheen
A golden past dematerialized within a shadow light
As a full boat of time toted time to a black hole
A shadow canvas of heart has retorted the reality,
Of those darkest stripes of sky-

Your inspiration has created dynamic dream
As like as a kite swings on air
As my springtime I ran with grasshoppers to and fro
An Amour of aroma flowed from flower to flower

A Jerry-rigged time streams as murmur of river
As a gray fade pained pale sky-
Run away together with my past, present and future
Sometimes my child has reacted reverse what I have wished

I float a boat on sea when she is far from me
My mind has grown shrink as my body bended already
Someone has vamoosed toward the horizon within a shadow fog,
A dry but misty memory -
Though faded but has dreamed me again and again -
@Musfiq us shaleheen
when memories flow through mind has grown  so many mystical imagery and again it has created so many dreams
  Oct 2014 galafani
we collided that night
and caused a supernova
since then, it has been hell or heaven
no in between, no turning back
i want this forever
not just for a year or two
and i think you do too
but forever is a long time
and we don't know what forever looks like
but we know that people change
and feelings sometimes fade
i hope ours don't
i hope we fall for each other every day
like raindrops on window panes
like leaves from tall trees
like tears from newborn babies
i hope we fall, but never falter
because that fire in my soul
is alive and well
since we caused that supernova
i've been burning inside for you
and i just hope you have
the same sensation in your organs
i can only hope you feel the same way
and if you don't, i'll understand, i'll swallow it
like prescription pills
  Oct 2014 galafani
Makenzie Marie
You made me
Taught me what it truly
meant to be
blissfully and actually,
Things changed.
not so perfectly..
always aware of me.
It was falling apart ever so slightly
But you made me
You made me
Both working
in harmony.
Things change.
Today I think you’re happy.
And today there’s me,
surviving miserably,
but voluntarily,
To the whisper “not meant to be”
You've found someone new and shiny,
Better than me-
I miss what we used to be.
I wish we could be.
I hope you’re happy.
I will be.

— The End —