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Min Blue Apr 2015
Tell me what to do
To wait and be with you
Or to choose a life anew

Tell me what is wrong
If it is really you
Or do I stir a fire... and cause chaos in your heart?

Tell me what you feel
When I ask if this is real
Am I still the one... who captivates your heart?

But then again don't tell me
Deep down I know
I'm holding on to nothing
And you are just a ghost

Haunting me with false hope
I know the title is a little far but that's what he said...
Min Blue Nov 2014
Hanging on a fragile stick
Hear me
See me
Save me from this life of ick
Desperate & Hopeless
Broken & Lifeless
When will this all stop
And come to an end?

Maybe I'd rather die
Than eat a slice of life's pie
Tired of all the pathetic lies
Can't you hear my desperate cries

Oh, hear I am hanging on
Sick of it but being strong
What else can I do but say I'm okay
Sleep to death and feel heaven's rays
Min Blue Nov 2014
Red lips
Bright eyes
You're my everyday eclipse
A celestial body obscuring other guys

With you
There is no other
The skies may be blue
But with you, it's full of thunder

Sparks fell
Traveling through
Every nerve; every cell
Feelings of love imbued

Celestial you
For you are like a gift from heaven
Supremely good; Forever true
My valuable possession

Do you now see
How much I am in love with you?
Min Blue Oct 2014
You say you love me

what exactly do you mean by "love"
cause I don't know anymore
maybe I need that love

a little too desperate
a little too hopeful

but how exactly can you love
a person who's on the verge of ending her life

how can you love if she's all ****** up
how can you love when she doesn't even know what is love
how can you love when she cannot even feel

these thoughts unraveling through my head
it's a mystery

Min Blue Oct 2014
They say your house
is your home
but can it still be
when it's the place that tears thee
heart fragile as a *******
cries of laughter
burning your soul
left a big hole
now I feel empty
echoes of a memory
now I am running
the distance is stretching
searching for a home
where there will be shalom
when can I finally say
"I'm home"
or, did I went astray?
now I wish haven't gone
making me lonesome to the bones
Min Blue Oct 2014
Perhaps you'll never know

the part you have made
the impact that you gave
the words that came out of you

that scarred her forever

her confidence receding
her joy gone
her life slowly slipping away

how little they can be

amazing yet dangerous
encouraging yet *depressing
be careful of what you say :--)
  Oct 2014 Min Blue
Here are some things I know:
2+2 is always 4, in the center of an apple lies the core.
One foot is left and the other is right, you need lots of wind to fly a kite.
Puppies are soft and the earth moves slow, red means stop and green means go.
Clouds are white, the sky is blue, and I am absolutely, completely, in love with you.
Here is a happy poem for a change :) oh, and it rhymes.
© Alexandrea Biggs
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