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 Nov 2020 katalin
Sarah Flynn
it is gray outside
of my window,

and it is also
gray in this room.

but outside,
the gray is obvious.

the clouds are
blocking out the sun.

and inside,
the gray is irrelevant
because you shine
so bright that

I am only ever
looking at you.

the world outside
fades away in here.

it is beautiful and
sunny and vibrant.

here, the stress of
the world outside
can't touch me.

I see no sadness
or pain or fear.

I only see you.
I only ever see you.
 Nov 2020 katalin
 Nov 2020 katalin
i rip open my skin
not much different than i rip the band aids off of it
tossing it aside in much the same way

thirsty for the secrets my body is keeping from me
so disappointed that i have a Physical Form
Scattering sweet fragrance throughout soft air
Perfection at heaven’s finest
Remembrance paints one soul a flare
Calmly soothing
My unrest

Despite all the changes time has made
Sweet fragrance sings to me
In all my dreams a pleasing promenade
Evokes a kiss of
Fragrant potpourri

A medley dances within my senses fine
Of sweet nights with you
Scattering fragrance throughout my mind
Painting my soul

This sweet fragrance has no beginning
Each kiss begins endlessly
Dances within my senses softly awakening
This fire inside
So heavenly
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
 Sep 2020 katalin
 Sep 2020 katalin
The sunset was the kind that was like syrup dripping from the skies and if you were to drink it it would be the ambrosia that tasted like a life time
 Sep 2020 katalin
Entry III
 Sep 2020 katalin
The fleeting moments
Where we both converge as one,
I could not go as high as we’re meant
For I be burned if I reach too close to the sun.
March 19, 2020
 Sep 2020 katalin
My son does not understand fear,
he is 3,
he thinks in color,
he believes in magic,
he says that our dog Smokey
controls the weather.

Watch him as he goes!
Jumping over cracks on sidewalks,
pretending to fly,
attempting to get near electric outlets
because he saw them spark once,
and fire,
fire is cool!

"Watch me Mommy!

watch me."

Some days I stay in bed all day,
I tell everyone I am catching a cold,
a sinus infection,
another migraine again.

It is easier to lie than to explain,
that it is too difficult to shower,
to find an outfit, to brush my hair,
to make food,
to chew it.

Friends jokingly call me a hypochondriac,
my Mother thinks I am mellow dramatic,
My son asks me if I need my temperature checked.

It is too honest to say,
"I am fighting monsters, and they won today."
Who would believe me if I did?

We are taught since childhood
to not believe in the things
we can not see.

The day we buried my Grandfather,
I wore my favorite gray dress,
I was scared to taint it
with such a sad memory,
but I was 8 months pregnant
and nothing else fit.

We threw dirt in a hole
as three strangers watched us grieve.
They stood with shovels ready to do their jobs,
ready to get home to their loved ones.  

All I could think about was how much
it aches to love anyone,
even in the good times, it aches.
Loss dances outside our window
like flames, waiting to engulf.

I vowed to protect my child
from any unnecessary pain,
I vowed to make him feel safe.

Now I fear I am the one
tainting him in gray.

Not every day is bad,
most days are nice, in fact,
some days are so good
that the bad ones seem
like distant memories.

On the good days I feel brave,
brave like my son;

I tickle his tummy and show him
which lights are stars, which are planets,
and tell him I love him, always,
no matter what.
 Sep 2020 katalin
 Sep 2020 katalin
I know you to be
For me, for now,
Forever, for me, not for you,
Since my forever
Will end long before you
Ever even notice I was looking up.
But we were both born once
Of stars, maybe, of mothers.
And though you are endless
And I am so very ephemeral
I can't help but wonder if
Some of your endless
Lives in my one Moment
Of your great
A black hole in each pupil...
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