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 Oct 2017 Eve
gabriela arias
what is love?

is it a feeling?
is it a decision?
is it a prescribed death?
I have a problem; I have fallen in love.
it is believed to be the 'most beautiful thing',
but if it is
if this is true,
why am I torn between devotion and distress?
is it because he owns my heart,
or is it because he is too far away from me?
is it because I'm mad at myself for craving him so deeply,
or am I mad that I don't have him beside me?
to kiss me. to hug me.
so please, do tell...
how is this 'a beautiful thing'?
if I can't be with him, but I can't live without him?
this is me being mad at the fact I'm missing my boy who is exactly 7.192,28 km away from me rn.
 Oct 2017 Eve
gabriela arias
today i have a stomach ache for some reason.
i think something must be rotten
in there.
i don't know if this malaise comes from
the microwaved chicken wrap
i had for breakfast, or
from the unexpected death of all the butterflies
that used to live inside.
if the second one is true,
the second one was you.
 Oct 2017 Eve
Ye won't comprehend what I mean
Unless acquire the eyes to have seen
Emotions by their true image
Do you know what I mean?

Once harnessed power to play with emotions
Impossible seems revival, work no potions
When crawl back half alive
Anaesthetised images, walking drunk motions

That deep sorrow, sadness and pain
The efforts and struggles all in vain
Isn't what you cry for and say?
Ask thyself,
Who drove you into that lane

Pitch dark corners of thoughts arouse the feel
Four stanzas including this one's just half meal
Clouds of this kind circle forever
Pressing the haunting words, in time I'll heal
Presence of happiness none sees, a pity
As we surmise, there does exist a Deity
For a reason, all this emerged
In everything, there might be something pretty
Once gripped that strange feel in the prayers
Shall form over body, invisible protective layers
Addition in tons, not kilos
Of sagacity, on each climb of the stairs
Life devoid of expectations isn't the option
The mindset's worthy enough for adoption
Great expectations pave dirtiest of roads
Too precious to be displayed up for auction
On Him can we lean and must firmly believe
Direct contact's the medicine for mind's relief
Affordable yet unaffordable jewels await
For the closest beings in His regard to receive

F.A teeri
 Oct 2017 Eve
Quills be dragged over young tattered pages
Until dries off red ink, trapped in the cages
Stop constructing walls for the ocean's siege
Let flow, before witness thy dam's breach
 Oct 2017 Eve
Clouds wrapping the sun
Repressing flow of spectrums
A delightful play
Just a haiku try...
 Oct 2017 Eve
'One Path'
 Oct 2017 Eve
In love with the forgiving trait of God
Falling for the immense light of His boat
The world isn't for me, nor is it's applaud
Soothes the sinning souls, that one Quranic quote

Polluted image indicates not downfall
Unity unshakable if kept intact
Recitations, revive in the great hall
Then will spread the message of the compact

If melodious young voices be raised
Absorbing the love, ignoring the hate
In the court of Allah, shall then be praised
Returning back home is never that late

The pillar of hope, all of us be bound
For the sake, placing my head on the ground
Take me back to the times where "people were smarter than machines..."
They were not "swayed or controled by them..."
as we then  "failed" to see as to why "being controled by them"
was just as "crazy as to question as to"  "why the notions" as to" "why humans are unable to fly?"
Invention brought us the "wheel", the "telephone," then to  the
first "Moonwalk" and "first man On the Moon...."
where he still had not used the future to blind his "out of touch"
"seeing eye?"
Into the future where inventions "killed" rather then they "Saved the world?"
Until World War iii Has beem left a "trial ajurned"
we shall be the "Public just sitting on our hands waiting to be burned..."

By a government who does not "see eye to eye?"
As the "blind stay such" and still ask questions "As to why"
things are remaining "The same?"
well at this
"quiet time of blundering,"
who "raises their voices to challenge" society's "wondering"
a whole "desperate" and "uneeded Mile..."
as to the "future" that this "One Eye'd Moon Man yet sees"
for us "in still motion"
He beams down warnings in the burnt in Values in "History's Blind Accidents"
Nobody noticed that "Lady Liberty's Back was Bent"
from being "broken" like "the invented misguided "arrows of some wars"

we fail to "stand up and defend" as to why we need "Better mending of our broken paths and future pavements" on "Congress Floors..."
Instead we overtrust those in leadership who "Tend to need to love life through closed view's doors."
 Oct 2017 Eve
Elizabeth Squires
she's not averse
to plunging
the dagger
it's become
her most favored
piece of

deeply penetrating
the flesh of the back
always employing this form
of unguarded attack

her relish
for keen steel
out of control
ever she's
wanting to pierce
a hole

jab after jab
**** after ****
lunging with the
well sharpened rod
 Oct 2017 Eve
 Oct 2017 Eve
He is colder than the winter snow
But has the warm autumn smile
To glance at him is to be lost
In his mysterious dark eyes
He loves rain and finds solitude
Being alone in the forrest
Probably that's why he hates
How I make too much noise
His words makes so much scars
But his touch heals my darkest sides
Despite all that he does, all that he is,
If I have to describe him as a whole
—He is heartbreakingly beautiful
 Oct 2017 Eve
Nicole Dawn
 Oct 2017 Eve
Nicole Dawn
If I wanted to describe you,
I would need to learn
To write in numbers

For there are only
Letters in the alphabet
But an
Of numbers

And I would need every one of them,
Just to describe you
Not for a crush, but a friend
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