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  Jan 2016 Fernanda Savaris
I've spent centuries
in this agony
My body changes
but time stays still

All this time I've passed
waiting to be found
like a bird inside a cage,
my feet chained to this ground

I can't keep my monsters at bay
but I can't run away

In the eye of each soul
all I see is fear
and my own still whispers
"I'm not from here"

By now I thought
I'd have more power
But at the end of each day
"it" still devours

Even though there's love in my heart
I still feel like falling apart

Each fight feels like
dark mirrors inside a maze
and all I see in this reflection
is my own empty gaze

My mind is light years
away from this place
Still the only thing that saves me
is your warm embrace

And when it feels like I have no choice
I recognize your voice

I'm so tired of this fight
But your love still keeps me warm
Together, we'll win this battle
Together, we'll breathe through the storm.
I don't like history repeating itself
So I'm starting over
I just hope you'll be a part of my future
Fernanda Savaris Dec 2015
Do vazio é que tens medo.

E da pedra que cai e ecoa
num mundo cheio de nadas, salas vazias
onde uma vez já habitou uma alma quase bem amada.

É isso que te aperreia
que aperta, te sufoca,
tanto espaço
pra tanta falta.

Sabes da aflição
de não ter pra onde correr
quando estiver assustada
com medo, ansiosa,

Então tentes buscar um sentido
e entender
que isso só se deu
porque tentastes apalpar
e sentir, e apreciar
aquilo que não é real,
que não aquece, não preenche

E a alma sente

E você

Fernanda Savaris Dec 2015
criou o caso
que nós criamos

Sintonia, simpatia
A mão leve e o riso frouxo
Dos que vem
Dos que vão
Dos que vivem

Vivemos bem
Apesar de outros alguéns
E do imaginário que nos retém

A cumplicidade sutil
Dos olhos que sabem
Que não se verão mais
Que sabem dos momentos de paz
E da vida quando está à mil

O carinho na base
Dos sentimentos puros
Na positividade
Do desconhecido, do não vivido
E ainda assim natural
Na pureza, na conexão
Daquilo que não cria o mal
E que aprendeu a entender
Como se comporta um igual.
Fernanda Savaris Dec 2015
There is a gift for you
It is now in your life
It wasn’t before, when you knew nothing about it
And even now that you know, the unknown remains inside
You want to open it! Solve the mystery

But the packing is so beautiful,
What if that’s my gift?
A nice packing. It could be.
After all, that is what incited my interest
My curiosity
But I want to know
Is there something more?
I mean, the packing is nice
But maybe the gift is special
What if it is not? You know, few things in life are truly interesting
But what if…

You can’t know if you don’t open it
Open it, open it!

But the packing…
What if I ruin it?
Oh well, I’ve got to try
It was wrapped with so much care
It has to be nice
But I will take a photo, just in case
It will be the memory I can save
If everything goes wrong

If everything goes wrong?
At least you got the moment
Now open your gift! See what you were given
There should be a reason
For it to have been hidden

I will do it slowly
Even if I feel like my fingers can’t wait
So much curiosity!
I almost can’t hold myself
But I have to keep calm
What is the point
Of unwrapping it too fast?
Is pleasing my curiosity
Everything I want?
Will the gift be
Anything I want?

First movement.
The thoughts go
Get confused
Mess around
What can it be?
Second movement.
All together
Waiting for it
Can you see?
Third movement


— The End —