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Lyn Dec 2014
You can tear my heart open with scissors
You can stitch them up with needles

I don't care
*As they both require sharp objects
Lyn Dec 2014
I beg forgiveness to the sky
For stealing two of the brightest stars
To to put them into your eyes

Because I swear,
Every time I look into those eyes of yours
*My heart already made a wish,
Before my mind could even form a sentence
Lyn Dec 2014
And at night,
When my fingers meet the keyboard
When the ink hits the paper

Is when my mind betrays me,
Spilling all the secrets I wish to keep,
The words I wish to remain untold,
The letters I wish to remain unsent,
The love I wish to remain hidden

All disguised as *poems
posting it again because i accidentally deleted the previous one :<
Lyn Dec 2014
You pump breath to every single organs,
But forget to do so for yourself.

So, why am I not surprised,
When you continuously bleed his pain,
While he is ******* every oxygen left of you?
Lyn Dec 2014
She loves black,
But she hates darkness

She loves rain,
But she hates water

*She loves you,
But she hates liars
Lyn Dec 2014
He was the walking catastrophe
I was the quiescent calamity

People said we were each other's worst nightmare
I said we are each other's *sweetest daydream
Lyn Dec 2014
I thought everything was in the perfect balance
Me and You,
We were both standing in each sides of the scale,

I was just about to run to you
But before I could even moved my feet,
Suddenly she came, to your side

The perfect balances was messed up,
It was heavier on your side,
While here, I felt like everything was taken away from me,
That made the weights difference even bigger

*As I watch you walked away with her,
From up here
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