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Lyn Dec 2014
You are the non-existent full-stop
To my never ending question marks

To love you,
Is like firing a gun
That has no bullets
p o i n t l e s s

The more I love you,
The more ink gone to waste
And it's fading--the question marks,
As they almost fill the whole blank paper up
And still, no full-stop.

Oh, by the way,
It's not my love that fades,

*My hope does.
Lyn Nov 2014
We live in the same region
But why do I feel like
We're living in two different parts of the world?

I'm in the North
on the 21st of December
When the temperature just dropped to the lowest
And I'm snuggling in my bed
With layers of sweaters to keep me warm,
Yet still failed to shoo the /ˈwɪntər/ in my heart away

While you're in the South
on the 21st of December
When the beach is at its finest  
And you're walking along the white sand, with her
With interlaced hands that add the /ˈsʌmə/  in your heart
What I feel. Right now. </3
Lyn Nov 2014
You flooded my thoughts
Twenty-four seven

And I didn't know how to swim,
I did try to escape
I did try to swim to the surface
But, the more I tried
The more I drowned

You pulled my feet to the deepest sea
Prevented me from escaping
Not minding my cries that screamed agony, pain, and most of all love

You chained my feet
Then you threw away the key
Not minding where it went
Leaving me no chance to escape

*Just, why, do you have to be so sweet yet deathly at the same time?
Lyn Nov 2014
I was so broken and sad and angry
That I punched the mirror
That showed the reflection of mine
Because I hate myself
But strangely, I didn't feel any pain
But instead, I felt satisfied

And with bloodshot eyes,
Blood dripped from my knuckles
I saw my broken reflection
Through the shattered glass

Said to the broken mirror
*"At least I'm not the only one who's broken now"
Lyn Nov 2014
I wish I was She
That started your sentences
With a loving smile
When you said to yourself
"She is everything I could ever ask for"

I wish I was Her
That ended your sentences
With a proud smile
When you said to your friends
"I love Her"

*Because you are both my He and Him
But I am not your She, nor your Her
it's past midnight, but he still haunts my sleep away. sighs.
Lyn Nov 2014
Loving him causes her nothing but pain
Yet she loves him anyway

She loves pain
Pain loves her back
Lyn Nov 2014
I wrote your name
In the sand
And the wave washed it away

I formed your name
With the fallen leaves
But the wind blew them away

I carved your name
In my skin
Hoping my tears could wipe them away

But instead,
It killed me *twice
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