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23.7k · Feb 2015
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
Eudora Feb 2015
Such luscious lips, with pinkish glow!
She's beautiful.

Her chapped lips,  faucet like,
cascade only words of kindness..
She's beautiful.

Such pretty,alluring eyes!
She's beautiful.

Her heavy-lidded eyes : a pair of lenses
capturing only great sharp shots,
they see clearly only the good in people..
They never despise.
She's beautiful.

Such a lovely, curvaceous figure!
She's beautiful.

Within the slim figure,  is a soul
who'll share her food with the hungry,
even if it means she'll be left with nothing
for dinner.
She's beautiful.

Beauty is only skin deep..
Inspired by a brief chat with a dear friend today and Audrey Hepburn's insights on beauty
'Look beyond the features, it is reflected in the soul..'
12.0k · Oct 2015
Forever My Always
Eudora Oct 2015
I know...
I am not one of the pages of your book
or the words in your poem
I will tirelessly watch over you from every nook.

I know I am your never
but you will forever be my always...

I know...
I am not the potrait you are painting
or the inspiration behind your masterpieces
in my heart , it is your name I am engraving.

I know I am your never
but you will forever be my always...

I know...
I am not the reason for your smiles
or the tickles of your laughter
for you, I would walk a thousand miles.

I know I am your never
but you will forever be my always...

I know...
I am not your shining star
or the light in your life
till forever is through, I'll admire you from afar.

I know I am your never
but you will forever be my always...

I know...
I am not the one your heart beats for
or the one you desire
my hearts says as long as it brings you happiness,
it wants nothing more.

I know I am your never
**but you will forever be my always...
"Every feeling unreturned has its own rainbow."
Let your heart lead the way...
11.7k · Apr 2015
Intimate connection
Eudora Apr 2015
Breathing in your alluring scent
Enjoying the ride, as the wheels go round
Cherishing the times we have spent
Smiling to our 'question', an answer we have found

This romantic attraction
So beautiful, truly spellbinding
An intimate connection...
That's what we are sharing

Having simple meals together
Indulging in chucklesome little talks
Laughing cheekily, we teased each other
Ambling along the smooth sidewalks

This deep affection
So beautiful, truly spellbinding
An intimate connection...
That's what we are sharing

Fulfilling your heart's desire
Appreciating your genuine kindness
Seeing you smile from ear to ear
Bringing back the long lost happiness

This sweet satisfaction
So beautiful, truly spellbinding
An intimate connection...
That's what we are sharing

Cuddling in your loving arms
Holding back my tears
Embracing me with your hidden charms
Taking away all my fears

This perfect expression
So beautiful, truly spellbinding
An intimate connection...
That's what we are sharing
#intimateconnection #answer #you #me #special
#beautiful #straightfromtheheart #perfectexpression
10.1k · Nov 2014
You'll Never Know...
Eudora Nov 2014
You'll never know...
When you'll be head over heels
The most enchanting feeling in the world
Your unknown desires, it reveals
A current in you will endlessly twirl

You'll never know...
When happiness fills your heart
Having a precious bundle of joy in your arms
You'll realize in your life, he's the most important part
Not forgetting, he'll make the best morning alarms

You'll never know...
When your heart will be scrunched
Like a ball from a piece of paper
Feels like your chest is being ruthlessly punched
Your skin peeled off with a serrated scraper

You'll never know...
When a friend will turn his back
Whose hand you held, all these years
Intentionally causing an emotional attack
In disbelief, you gather invisible tears

You'll never know...
When you'll be caught in an unexpected plight
Daily reflections occur, due to lack of wisdom
To ease your dark path, you yearn for a ray of light
Nothing much you can do except to crave for freedom

You'll never know...
When the time comes, you might bleed to death
Tears will flow drowning your skin
As you breathe your last breath
You wish you had more time to atone for your sins
You'll never know what and when things will happen..
#life  #happiness  #love  #disappointment  #betrayal
#regret #pain #death
8.1k · Mar 2017
Eudora Mar 2017
It is absolutely breath-taking..

how each of his exquisite poems sing..
a distinctive melody,
*how his mind works like magic...

sculpting the most incredible forms no one could.
Brilliance just shines through his woven pieces...
no words could really define how awe-inspiring his work is.
His meticulous sublime words...
uniquely create ingenious and flawless stanzas,

making each and every one of his craft...
out of this universe.

That is truly..
how gifted he is.
3.9k · May 2017
Evening's Crepuscular Charm
Eudora May 2017
The sunset bids goodbye as
the azure sky takes on a tint of pink and apricot,
fading into hues of indigo and violet.*
The birds soaring beneath the clouds of dusk...
embracing the last few moments of today,
*the evening's crepuscular charm.
3.6k · Jun 2015
Silent tears
Eudora Jun 2015
As I looked up at the roof over my head
Silent tears welled up in my eyes
Thinking of those without homes, seeking for shelter
Those whose cities were hit by a natural disaster

As I filled my stomach with food everyday
Silent tears welled up in my eyes
Thinking of those in poverty-stricken countries
Starving, fighting the hardship for centuries

As I cuddled my little one to sleep
Silent tears welled up in my eyes
Thinking of those who lost their loved ones
Due to fatal diseases or firing guns

As I lay on my bed every night
Silent tears welled up in my eyes
Remembering all the things I should be thankful for
Especially for still being able to breathe
*And so much more...
Eudora Nov 2015
Would you mind if I wrote you a love poem
Would you care if I shared it with the world
Would it be okay if I filled it with cliches
As in I am the oyster and you are the pearl

Oh my, it'll be an absolute delight
Go ahead, let the earth be smitten
Let your words float in the twilight
It'll be a beauty no one has ever written

I ask would it be too much
If I compared your beauty to that of Spring flowers
Or how I could just sit here and stare
As I dreamly while away the hours

I'll be flushed with humility
As I am just one of His thankful creations
I'll allow your gaze even through infinity
Admiring beyond my imperfections

Would it be to much to say
That you put the night stars to shame
If I had my very own galaxy
On it I would place your name

You can ask the clouds and sky above
How your words touched my heart to the core
The unfeigned expression of your love
I'm truly blessed, couldn't ask for more

While all above is true enough
Against your beauty nature would lose
I think instead I'll make this poem
A simple "I love you"

Mike Hauser
It is such an honor to be able to write with one of the brilliant poets here, Mike Hauser.
Thank you so much Mike, for inviting me to do this collaboration. It was a lovely experience. YOU made it so easy! :)
3.4k · Sep 2015
Whisper of Hope
Eudora Sep 2015
I hope...
*I have returned a small fragment of kindness
you are giving the world every second of your life.
3.2k · Jun 2016
Broken Whispers
Eudora Jun 2016
Find peace with your baffled mind
Induce equanimity in between your struggling breaths
Remedy the desolation with your flowing tears
Resign to the solitude with your dispirited shadow

Catch the glimpses with your swollen eyes
Wear a smile with your shivering lips
Seek solace in between your trembling fingers
Walk the steps with your hesitant feet

Gather strength from your shattered pieces
Feel your existence amidst your aching soul
Endure the sorrow with your feeble self
Preserve the love in your failing heart
3.0k · Dec 2014
A Journey With You
Eudora Dec 2014
When your hand is in mine
I feel all of heaven's divine
When you are close, the world is naught
Drowning in your love, a triumph is sought

You may be there, I may be here
No matter what they say, there is nothing I fear
No longer am I afraid to surpass a crossroad's uncertainties
You taught me to drop off my insecurities

*If kisses were raindrops, I'd send you showers
If hugs were seconds, I'd send you hours
If smiles were water, I'd send you the sea
If love is a package, I'd send you me.. * 

There must be someone else better for you
But you define me as the best one for you
No longer "I" but "We" is the promise we formulated
A perpetual journey together, we have created

I look behind not with bitter regrets
How my heart merged with yours, I can never forget
We've reached this far with this love so true
I'd be glad to walk endless miles with you

My eyes swell with tears, I whisper and pray
Take me in your arms, let me cry today
May my breath, find refuge in your heart
Deep in your love, may my life depart
*Qoute - inspired by Emily Bronte
2.8k · Nov 2014
Praying for a Miracle
Eudora Nov 2014
His adorable curiosity
Heartfelt sincerity
Rare honesty
His heart's purity

Bring them back to me...

His comforting words
The kind I've never heard
Seductive and mellifluous voice
His contentment,with me as his choice

Bring them back to me...

His arousing fantasies
Romantic gestures
Perfect heartache remedies
Keeping me safe with a mysterious vesture

Bring them back to me...

The warmth of his skin
Soft whispers in my ears
Infectious wide grin
His undying trust, gathering my tears

Bring them back to me...

I'm not ready for another chapter
It's miserably unbearable
I know YOU are there, so please answer
My prayer for a miracle...
#prayingforamiracle  #you #miss #tears
2.7k · Dec 2015
All I want to do is dream
Eudora Dec 2015
Let me go for a gleeful ride on the rainbow
Or sit on the moon to watch the stars put up a show
Put on my wings and light up the night with fireflies
Or just calming the earth as the wind in disguise

Sometimes it seems to me that all I do is dream
Try as hard as I might by any ways and means
Please don't force me to face reality
When all I want to do in life is take the time to dream

Be it floating on the clouds admiring the beautiful sight
Or dancing with my love in the snow showers
Little fairies hold buckets to collect my tears at night
While I dip into a pool filled with my favorite flowers

Because to me inside a dream is like a playful tune
That I love to sing by any means letting the dreams loose
From the middle of the imagined to the very edge of time
A steady stream I hope to dream forever in my mind

Strolling through a delicious tunnel of sweetness
Savoring the generous free flow of chocolate fall
The trees humming melodies, they leave me speechless
As curly vines of mixed berries crawl up the wall

Using life as the reflection inside of my dream scape
Moving further in the direction of the dream for the dreams sake
Where in time I hope to find what all along I have believed
That the dream I'm in at this moment is in fact my reality

*Mike Hauser
A big thank you to the lovely Mike Hauser for this wonderful dreamy piece! Truly humbled to be able to write with you again, Mike! You are incredible. :)
2.6k · Apr 2016
The Truth
Eudora Apr 2016
If a person would starve,
just so he could eat...
How could you think...
she would want him to suffer?

If a person would walk miles with him,
just to be sure he is safe...
How could you think...
she would want to harm him?

If a person would make sacrifices,
to ease his burden...
How could you think...
she would add to his worries?

If a person would silently cry all night,
feeling his sorrows and troubles...
How could you think...
she would hurt him? *

If a person has promised and have always,
kept his secrets safe with her...
How could you think...
she would intentionally betray his trust?

If a person could do anything,
just to make him smile, to see him happy...
How could you think...
she would deceive him?

If a person have done all the things that she could,
to prove that he means the world to her...
How could you think...
she would deliberately disappoint him?

If a person cannot imagine,
him not by her side as who he has always been...
How could you think...
she wouldn't care to lose him?

If a person have always treasured,
all that he have shared with her...
How could you think...
she would dare to make him feel this way?

If a person is only a person,
Only a human who made a stupid mistake...
How could you think...
she did not fall on her knees...
beating herself for the crime she had not committed?

If a person have always put him,
before herself...
How could you think
her heart is not breaking just as much?
She would take away his pain, but never would she want to cause him pain.
2.6k · Nov 2015
Eudora Nov 2015
My back parallel to the ground
as my nerves and vessels in my head swell.
Puffed eyelids shut gently,
my fingers shiver.
Heavy heart beats with a stagnant beat,
tears flushing down like a waterfall..
forming puddles on my collar bone
before drowning me into a pool
of melancholy and despair.

**Wondering what's in store for me tomorrow,
only if it comes..
#tears #drowningme #tomorrow
#anotherday #notpromised #theirvoices
2.6k · Nov 2014
Extraordinary Blessing
Eudora Nov 2014
As the moon glows and the stars twinkle brighter
Our souls merged into one instantaneously
As we indulge in the night's sweet surrender
I could feel butterflies flutter in me aimlessly

It is crystal clear it is a beautiful connection
And that we are sharing an intimate affection
It is true that your comforting words soothe my emotion
And your touch left me a tingling sensation

Your passionate kisses, they make my knees feel weak
With every heartbeat of my chest, you endlessly caress my skin
I feel the shivers whenever your gaze meets mine and then you stroke my cheek
You warm my heart when you wipe my tears and lift up my chin

Needless to wait for another sunrise, you are the light in my darkness
With much honesty, you readily bare your beautiful heart and soul
For the uncountable smiles you put on my face , you are the joy in my sadness
Without a doubt, you create an indescribable feeling I am unable to control

It could be destined that we cross our path like this
For I believe everything happens for a reason
While you think I am an angel, I think you are an extraordinary blessing from above I truly miss
Though we are miles apart, something precious could befall us this season.
2.3k · May 2017
Selfless tears
Eudora May 2017
They trace down your cheeks...
during the loneliest of nights.
They gather between your collar bones...
through your battles and fights.

They brim in your eyes...
assuring you the glimmer of hope.
They drip off your chin...
*like a thread of droplets to help you cope.

They wet your shivering smile...
reminding you of your strength and humility.
They fall on your palms...
appreciating your sacrifices and sincerity.

They seep into your skin...
to fuel the undying love in your heart.
They feed your soul with gratitude
*until the time comes when you shall depart.
#selflesstears #purpose #life
2.0k · Feb 2016
Eudora Feb 2016
I believe it's time I straightened up
Knocked the dust from off my mind
Make some room for different thoughts
Find which ones I need to wipe

Rancorous experiences and sombre days
Or unending expectations of the people around me
Do my utmost to please hearts in different ways
Throbbing particles in my head, no one could see

As I feel my way along the fray
The razors edge that cuts too deep
Only in my minds eye can I blink away
All those thoughts that pressure me

Yes it is indeed time..
To deterge the nagging wounds in my mind
And cease the harsh ringing when they chime
Breathe them all out while I let my myself unwind

Mike Hauser
It was a such pleasure writing this with the lovely, Mike Hauser. Thank you Mike, for inviting me to do this with you, again. :))
1.9k · May 2017
Eudora May 2017
You* *are in every pulse of her heartbeat and the
*rhythm of the murmurs in between.
1.7k · Jan 2015
Perfect Love Song
Eudora Jan 2015
If there is a song...
Composed and written with...

Melodies of warmth
Rhythms of kisses
Verses of affection
Bridges of romance
A chorus of caresses
To the tune of passion

I would sing it for you every day and every night
till my very last breath..
Inspired by an angel sent down from heaven..
1.4k · Nov 2014
Eudora Nov 2014
We don't know what the future holds
Lets embrace the moments, let our dreams unfold
For now, I'll let you sweep me off my feet
But believe me baby, someday we'll meet
* believe *love * destiny * thedaywillcome
1.4k · Jan 2015
How I do tell you?
Eudora Jan 2015
That I know..

You are very much hurting everyday
You feel like you just can't get away
Tears of blood cloud in your eyes till you can't see
Hurting and hurting longing to be free

Tears congregate and form into a puddle
Silently you are masking the pain, the struggle
All these while you are suffering in silence
Quietly resisting the emotional violence

You lift your eyes, but dimmed with grief
Your sorrow lends but only weak relief
You die everyday, you are wearied
It's like you're dressed at the funeral of regret, not yet buried

The stabbing pain you don't wish to bare
Nothing could make you feel better even if you share
You are gathering the strength you have in your soul
To beat the drums, feed the fire with coal

You are dipping your pain in inkwell heart
And scrawling out what you are feeling
Those words becoming the tourniquet
You don't know when your heart will stop bleeding
How do I tell you..that I know..
Dedicated to all the all the bleeding hearts out there..
1.4k · Nov 2014
Dear son...
Eudora Nov 2014
If I am blessed with magical wings,  I'll hold you tight and fly so high
So you could dance with the moon and sing to the stars
While I watch and admire your talent with a proud sweet sigh
And let them take you on a journey from Earth to Mars

If I am blessed with the power to disappear, I'll bring you with me
To a beautiful place with mountains of snow, your utmost enjoyment
So you could make snowballs, whilst your face lights up with impish glee
I'll let you throw them right at me and see your eyes sparkle with merriment

If I am blessed with immortality, I would love you forever
I'll unceasingly protect you from all the masked faces and cruel intentions in this temporary world
I'll stand by you to face every challenge life has to offer
And through the whole path of your life, not yet unfurled...
For the love of my life...                
                   # you  #love  #dearest  #heartbeat        
                                 #happiness  #gem
1.3k · Dec 2014
They speak to me..
Eudora Dec 2014
Breath* whisper,
*"He is in every single one of me."

Heart murmurs,
"He is tucked cozily in me ,as long as I am beating."
Hope utters,
"Never lose me, this man,one day you'll get to see."
Smile comforts,
"So put me on young lady, get ready for the.  

Heartbeat reveals,
"He brings a new meaning to each thump of mine."
Mind affirms,
"I'm telling you,you can't take him off me."
Eyes mime,
"When you close me, he'll send chills down your

Love expresses,
"Trust him, I'm true, he would go down on his.    

Test conveys,
"I'm sent down from above, but both of you will

Miss admits,
"You feel me so much, you pray so hard for him to be

Tears confess,
"I trickle down your cheeks like drops of crystal clear

Faith assures, *"Have me, these tough days will
   soon be over."
#you #love #miss #test #faith #voices #speakto me
1.3k · Nov 2014
A million pieces
Eudora Nov 2014
For one, it could be destined
How we met till we wed
It is now revealed, your plan which you kept clandestine
Left me bleeding profusely alone on my bed

It is clear it is revenge you were after
Like a knife piercing through my heart
Without empathy, you watched and let me suffer
Animosity grew, at a gallop we drifted apart

For the other, a beautiful connection was forged
Immersed into each other, our vision was blurred
An intimate ride of heat and passion, her heart was gorged
Till one day, reality sank in and a voice whispered addiction was the word

Her heart was still yearning
For the true feelings that was left behind
Patiently counted the months and days, she was still waiting
Only to realize, her unconditional love was declined

Like faded photographs with lines and creases
The precious moments remained etched vividly in her memory
Feeling her heart break into a million pieces
While her tears flow, praying hard HE will end her misery
# heart  #broken  # me  # love  # bitter  #end
1.3k · Jan 2015
Close to heart
Eudora Jan 2015
We know...
It was no doubt, His plan
For us to cross path
He chose you to be the man
To shield me from the eyes of wrath

You gave me so much...
Sincere generous guidance
Unforgettable,precious life values
One of a kind beautiful alliance
Always the remedy for my blues

I was truly blessed...
Into my heart you used to dive
Listened to my plight,my story
All these years,to be exact, five
You helped me achieved the secret glory

These are for sure...
We weaved beautiful memories
Will keep it with me, for a nice treat on a bad day
Years will pass to become centuries
Your kindness, I will never be able to repay

Another chapter...
Reality sank in and transformed the kinship
Connection from the indescribable bond
Led to a great,sweet friendship
Let's hope it'll last a lifetime and beyond

I can tell...
You say it's okay when it's not
You rather let your tears flow than share
It's not a happy plot
You don't wish to bare

So this is for you...
Words straight from the heart
Deep appreciation and heartfelt gratitude
Our little cares apart
I truly respect to your solitude  

I want the whole world to know...
What a beautiful person you are
Masking your grief whilst putting smiles on so many    

Secretly, you are everyone's twinkling star
You make them feel warm embraces

Thank you...
For making me see life in a different light
My life will resume, with a brand new start
You have been an absolute delight
Telling me, the path ahead will be bright

This is the least I could do...
I am always here, you know I am
Should you want to rant, we can sit on a bench
What others will think, I stopped giving a ****
I'll buy you cans of coffee,your thirst, I will quench

I hope to make you smile in any way
I treasure what we have now,till my last breath I will
I'll keep you close to heart, come what may
On the pages of your *'gift'
, the words in my heart will spill
#blessed #beautifulsoul #bigheart #youknowhoyouare #thankful
#thebestonecouldeveraskfor #giftofwords #greatfriendship
#appreciation #wishingyouhappiness #thankYOU
1.0k · Nov 2014
Let me always..
Eudora Nov 2014
Kiss your eyes gently...
They see nothing else
only the best in me

Kiss your ears seductively...
Patiently they listen
to my heart rants

Kiss your lips passionately..
They take my breath away
leaving me craving for more

Kiss your shoulders softly..
They are always there
for me to lean on to pour out my sorrows

Kiss your chest lovingly...
Beneath it, your heart beats for me
every second, every day

Kiss your hands tenderly...
They wipe my tears
when life gets bitter

Kiss every part of you..
They bring me happiness
in so many ways
*love *kissingyou  *always *treatmelikeaprincess   *appreciation * simple * words * heart *true lover
995 · Dec 2017
Another Trip
Eudora Dec 2017
Release the thoughts
and daunting images,
from the prison of this mind.

Allow peace,
trust and faith,
to remedy these exhausted breaths.

Knead sincerity,
wisdom and positivity,
into this growing passion.

Efface the insecurities
and depressed inner voices
from this feeble self.

Fuel this heart
with goodness, patience,
strength and kind selfless love.

To keep going and living,
one day at a time

*as the earth takes another trip around the sun.
992 · Oct 2017
Eudora Oct 2017
Doleful and rheumy
Lost their light and sparkle
Shuttered and heavy
Stars in them no longer twinkle
972 · Nov 2014
Life begins
Eudora Nov 2014
The best day of your life is the one on which
you decide your life is your own

No apologies, no  excuses
No one to lean on, rely on or blame

The gift is yours, it is an amazing journey.
And you alone are responsible for the quality of it

This is the day when life really begins..
# life # misery # alone # staying strong
947 · Sep 2017
Prayer for Hope
Eudora Sep 2017
I fall on my knees...*
my fingertips kiss the ground.
I incline my head...
my eyes close slowly.
I gasp for air in between shallow breaths...
my lips quivering.
A torrent of tears gush out
and drench every ounce of my soul...
whilst every fibre of my being...
and every beat of my heart

*a prayer for hope.
904 · Feb 2018
Eudora Feb 2018
Like a tornado, it spins in your body,
evoking restless emotions.
It seizes your mind,
wrecking your thoughts.
It sends fearful tears to your eyes,
ready to hurl your heart out.
It engulfs your days and nights,
leaving you distraught.
It promises you a dreadful tomorrow,
to conquer your being...

**all over again.
889 · Jul 2018
Eudora Jul 2018
Take me down
into the deep blue silence.

Lift me up
above the azure serenity.

Pull me up
onto the peak of solitude.

Save me from
this mourning place of distraught.
813 · Dec 2018
Eudora Dec 2018
They linger in the mind
like clouds floating by
in the azure sky.

They bring tears
like gushing waterfalls
streaming from the eyes.

They leave a yearning heart
with gentle prayers
and pleading sighs.

— The End —