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 Sep 2015 JS
WendyStarry Eyes
Some do not grasp the
Knowledge of my soul
They do not trust Jesus
Enough to give Him all control
They just do not get what I know

Jesus always has
had complete control
He placed The Holy Spirit
Within my veins
Now with His Spirit
I will sustain

Jesus paid the ultimate price
I now know to Him
I owe my true soul
All I needed to do was
Ask for forgivness and then let go

The Holy Spirit entered my soul
Some may argue
This point with me
I say, go ahead, argue
While you are captured,
I am free
If God is for us, who can ever be against us? ROMANS 8:31
 Sep 2015 JS
Nicole Dawn
Life is like a math problem--

Some people are cancelled out
So that you can find the answer

Some people are like asymptotes
It seems like they should be there
But they're just a hole in your graph

Some people are like parallel lines
Always in sight
Never in reach

Life is like a math problem
And sometimes
*There's no solution
There is more to this, but it seemed really long
 Sep 2015 JS
Arfah Afaqi Zia
 Sep 2015 JS
Arfah Afaqi Zia
I've been neglecting you ever since,
Trying to tell myself that you and I don't belong together,
You're so eager and keen,
You try to come and sweep my feet off the ground,
Trying to dazzle me with your sparkly eyes,
Don't know what's pulling me towards you,
Perhaps it gravity,
But I am trying hard not to fill the space between us.
You know what they say,
Gravity pulls a body towards its center,
And now I think you're my center,
Pulling me towards you,
Whilst I try to keep distant.
 Sep 2015 JS
beth fwoah dream
the river flows into
the night,
stars parade,
ghosts of the air
chant strange songs,
the flowers once
close with the breath
of the moon,
i am a ghost too.
written on sunday
 Sep 2015 JS
Hopeless Hope
 Sep 2015 JS
Between day and night
my thoughts are dreaming themselves to you.
Blurry colors
a sky in pastel.
are spinning around.
About this hopeless hope.
beleaguering my heart.
beleaguering my mind.
 Sep 2015 JS
Rainey Birthwright
I am the first light
Dancing on petals,
The only flower
Left last in fields,
I am the cloudburst
That drops from sky,
I am the cleansing,
The earthly scent
After sweet rains,
I am the vast ocean,
Rocking earths cradle
Sunlight singing, dancing
Atop the sparkling waves.

I am the white bird
Who sails in the blue,
Join me in the light,
In sky, so much room,
Circle with me, above
The sea, race with me
Into the long night trails
Of the shining moon.
It feels like I am enslaved.
I am stuck in a system in which I do not know how to conduct myself.
Debts lie on the table.
They want to impose their chicness.
Pills are in my bag,
And prayer on my tongue.

I am the oddball,
And the oddball desires to be free.
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