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 Sep 2015 JS
 Sep 2015 JS
There are only
26 letters
to rearrange in
ways that explain
what I'm feeling

There aren't enough
lines, dashes, dots on a
page to tell you
that I love you
and I'm

I know that you don't
want me,
says your 26 letters,
and I know that you're
and I know the way I
put 26
can be completely

but darling,
26 or 7,
3 or 100-
letters are
irrelevant to the
words I want to
say to you
and can't quite
put together

There are only 26 letters
who can't convey
what I'm feeling.
 Sep 2015 JS
I think I'm gonna win this time
riding on the wind and I won't give up.
 Sep 2015 JS
brandon nagley
I shalt bedight her in Accretion formation, to thy earth she's a patron; bringing a missive from planetary space station's. The string's of Constellation's holdeth up her finger's, as she tint's the empyrean with yellow petal's. Her cosmic ray's woo and spray mine heart with Extragalactic feeling. Her wing's stretch high to ceiling's; whilst her plumage safeguard's mine worrie's. She's the entity of the heavenly father's beginning stories; O' sweet glory, O' marvelous glory, how thou hath given me a wonder dear God, thou hast given me the land with golden street's, inside the palm of mine tired hand's. O', how blessed I am. O', how blessed I am. For thou hath sent me Asiatic Jane, messenger to man.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication/Filipino rose
A missive is- a letter, especially a long or official one.
Accretion is - the coming together and cohesion of matter under the influence of gravitation to form larger bodies.
 Sep 2015 JS
sage light
 Sep 2015 JS
I wake up to find you
still on the phone at 6am.
You turn over, yawn, and your
sleepy steel colored eyes flutter open to
find a girl who is fond of you smiling your way.
You stretch and say, "Goodmorning, how'd you sleep?"
Of course I slept well...I always do.
But whenever you and I are on the phone,
I always wake up between 3-4 without fail.
I'll wake up, turn over, and make sure you're okay.
I'm not sure why I do it, but I know that I care for you and
that I want to make sure that you're happy and safe.
The sage light that shines through my window reminds me of
how kind you gentle you are.
It touches everything, but it is not harsh...
It is light and incredible, just like you.
"how do you see so much of me?"
 Sep 2015 JS
The Last Writing
 Sep 2015 JS
This will be my last writing for you,
For there are no words to be spoken too.
This will be the last,
And I will never go back to the past.

I will never go back to the past
Because memories don't last.
And I will miss your benign face
As well as your embrace

I will miss them so much
And I will leave, I will leave off the latch.
I think this time I will cry;
This will be my sweetest and last goodbye.
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