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 Feb 2017 Emmanuel Coker
If you wanna laugh -

If you wanna cry -

If you wanna love -

But if you wanna die -
There's a certain uniqueness in being strange

The thought of being different,
Unique with words,
Best amongst equals

The thought of being the light amidst the dark
Invading all chasms
Shining forth

The thought of being strange,
Like a talisman abstruse
Strong, yet soft in approach

Tall, yet bend when the wind blows,
Cold, yet melt with emotions,
Better by far

Best amongst equals

Ovi Odiete© Jan, 2017
I just needed to write something to come out of writing drought
The Sea

The sea never did set for a journey alone
Her arms reached out to the world,
Her feet spread wide encapsulating a wider margin of earth en masse
Harrowing were her days when men visited,
Each cupping and taking turn squeezing her *******
And when they were done, they left her in the middle of the coldest of storms

It was her generosity and honesty that paved ways for her
She has been a helper and a Savior all her life
Leading the way and helping men find their lost road
But there was a dark path to her
Her dark days.
Those days that swallowed all virtues and greatest of men, leaving the innocent ones screaming and begging for a second Chance, so unfortunately they all drowned beneath the grave of the sea

Ovi Odiete©
The Sea

It is the poetry of little things that causes the earth to shred and shudder
The poetry of little things that ignites the greatest moments of bliss.
A smile from a little child,
A chuckle from a stranger.
The warmth of a knitted family
The entwining of old friends
The humming from the sea shores
The journey of the moonlight
The waves, the traveling waves
The Sea, the meandering sea
The Earth, the boundless earth
And the sweet song that nature sings.
These little things, garnered with the greatest love
Observed in silence
It is this poetry,
The poetry of little things that elicit the greatest happiness

Ovi Odiete© All right reserved
The poetry of little things..

Thank you all for the hearts and comments for this little poem of mine being picked as my SECOND DAILY
I can't thank you enough
May your rough road be smooth
I burnt down the metal cage
that confined me

I have broken up with God
and I am blossoming

without his hand pushing
my head down

I eat blackberries straight from
the bush

tasting the dirt where they grew
the tightest bud bursting

into fruit that nurtures me
that sustains me

I am Godless and cageless
I am a woman of

flames, starting fires
wherever I go

burning, burning, turning
into ash

into the very dirt I courted
with my purple stained

Within our reflection lies a soul; a soul that has attached itself to our bodies and promises to never let go/ only for death to come and caress every little breathe we take
Your world is perfect until the devil erases all the things that are precious... adding temptations you cant escape from
3table spoons/ Sin he feeds on...
let me go!
Free my soul from your mug cup,
she and I sipped like no other, then she slipped and broke our mug cup... now there is no love
Just a memory held back by the soul as i try to let go
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