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 May 2014 Emma Jacobson
Every morning, when I rise from my bed
I let your ghost
Settle in me.
I touch the necklace I wear every day
The necklace I plan to die wearing
And whisper,
"I love you."
Because I've tried hate-
It tastes
Like bile.
I've tried hard at hate
And I just love you
Too **** much.

When I leave my house and lock the door,
I turn away and look to the sky
And I whisper,
"I love you."
Every time you cross my mind,
I say it like a prayer
Because you are gone
And I cannot pretend I don't feel it
I look forward and...
Life is flat, like a comic book page.
Greyscale, like a cheap newspaper.
But I will color it with your name,
With my memories of you.
I will make things grow.
I will make them solid.
I will make them mean something
By loving you.

When I leave this town,
I will touch that necklace,
And say,
"I love you."
When I leave this state,
I will stop to think of you,
Take it off and watch it glitter in the sun,
Turning, turning,
Throwing shards of silver on the dashboard of the car
And I'll think your name,
Say to it,
"I love you."

When I leave this country,
I will take a deep, steadying breath before I step onto the plane,
Look back at a ground I've never truly learned to uproot myself from
And clutch that pendant,
That charm that reminds me
That I am always yours
And a part of you
Belongs to me,
And I will say,
"I love you."
Before I go
Even if I know you will not hear it.
I will say it,
But I
Will still go,
Missing you with every step I take.
And someday, when I leave this life,
Even if I have grown old and grey never having touched you
I will leave this life
"I love you."
And you can leave me.
And you can forget me.
And you can blame me.
But you cannot
Stop me
Loving you
And you cannot keep it from my breath
From the rhythm of my steps
From the beating of my heart
From everything my fingers ever touch and create
From every morning and evening of my life.
When I think of you,
I will touch that necklace
And whisper
"I love you."
Because I know
Finally I know
It is no use not saying it
When I feel it.
had Tony
extinguish a cigarette
on my flesh
left shoulder blade
took the burn
but it was painless
in turn
I'll have a mark
I cannot forget
to remind me
I wasn't always
Daniel Magner 2014
Please don't cry
You're not alone
In this world
Feeling so alone

Come with me
Outside the window
The sun shines
Flowers still grow
Sky is blue
Day is smiling
Just for you

Never give up
There is hope
We'll find it
True friends together
Take a look
And you'll see
Beauty is outside

Then look inside
Deep into yourself
The beauty there
They call life
Starts with you

Copyright Chris Smith
if you were wondering
i'm doing much better, baby
only every second thought
is about you now
 Mar 2014 Emma Jacobson
I wish you could see how much better I am now,
Without your smell, your smile, your name flittering around in my mind.
I wish you could see how much happier I am now,
Without your constant nagging about where I am, or who I'm with.

I wish you could feel how much lighter I am now,
Without your body always wound around mine.
I wish you could feel how much colder I am now,
Without your every breath warming my neck.

I wish you could see how much I miss you.
My **** is in anonymous
kisses of some unknown shore
where the tide undulates to it’s own exotic rhythm
you can call it lust
when playing with fire becomes a necessity
working in the fields towards a better crop
in the age of reckless apathy everybody knows how to smile
having fun because it’s all that is left to do
I am caught in a vice grip
so roll up another because this room is starting to seem real
the sky is either orange or purple or something else
and my cup is far from full
you have to know yourself otherwise
when high tide rolls through you will lose yourself
to pretty cheerleaders and too many consequences
that you let slide
she isn’t very good with directions
which explains how she found herself here
laughing and saying pretty things
as the last light bulb burns out
leaving me in another self-inflicted dark room
whispering my secrets to the moon
 Mar 2014 Emma Jacobson
i'm a poet
i said

then you must
know a lot about love
they said

and laughed

i'm just painting words
i answered
To end up alone
in a tomb of a room
without cigarettes
or wine--
just a lightbulb
and a potbelly,
and glad to have
the room. the morning
they're out there
making money:
judges, carpenters,
plumbers, doctors,
newsboys, policemen,
barbers, carwashers,
dentists, florists,
waitresses, cooks,
and you turn over
to your left side
to get the sun
on your back
and out
of your eyes.
from "All's Normal Here" - 1985
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