You are the midnight sky above me
Your body stretched out like a canvas
your arms branches,
your legs roots wrapped around me
strong and sturdy
yet giving
as the wind swirls in gusts around us
Your eyes,
silver pools of moonlight
reflecting, wordlessly, breathlessly but not restlessly
I deepen inside of you
Our hands entwined, extensions of the other,
beauty unrestrained you reach deeper into me,
Your hair brushing lightly against my chest,
a smile erupting from your lips and a laugh,
sweet surrender in your arms
You are my love,
I’ve known you since I’ve known what knowing is
and knew that there was someone I once knew that I would know again
I loved you since love was born
under a new born sky near a gentle moon
not jealous of the stars but rather loved by them
And so it came to pass that yesterday was today and today was finally tomorrow
but not before we danced along the shoreline stardust trailing in the wind and on the sand behind us, beneath us
Windswept kisses, lightly salted on your lips as they part mine, as we know assuredly that we never will