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  Mar 2019 EmVidar
i wake up
in pain
the kind i can't explain
why don't you see
why don't you care
just expecting me to move on
from yesterdays failures
all of my underachievements
my potential wrongs
and i probably would
if you didn't constantly
bring them up
being around you
is a reminder of why
i'm not enough
and i have tried
to numb myself
but it hurts just the same
but i'll keep it to myself
you don't care to
hear me complain
i just wish you understood
but i can't expect you
to know
being around you willingly
blow after blow
bruised after you're done
accepting the way
things are
to you i am
just another
bleeding heart
EmVidar Mar 2019
I like your nose
and how it is incapable of moving
unless you are really happy
I like your hair
how it always falls into your eyes
and you still won't get a hair cut
I like your hands
even though you think they're always too sweaty
If they are, I haven't noticed when our fingers are intertwined
I like your arms
because before a simple brush of them sent a shock through mine
and now they feel like home

-em vidar
I love all the things that make you
EmVidar Mar 2019
As we lay
our bodies intertwined
She looked up and asked
"How much do you love me?"
Tracing my pinky finger from her lips
down to the crescent birth mark over her heart I said
"As many atoms that exist from here to there".

-em vidar
EmVidar Mar 2019
I can't sleep tonight
for when I close my eyes
I only see your face and remember the moments I didn't tell you
how much I love you

-em vidar
EmVidar Mar 2019
I wonder
where, when and who
that love
had to be held constant
never changing
to be considered
and true
when ours feels fluid
creating ripples
and sometimes waves
that I
would never trade away

-em vidar
to you
EmVidar Mar 2019
A day full of preparation
for nobody
and nothing
as you pushed us all to far.....
Now you are
but still blaming it all on someone
who isn't you...
because you can't face
what you've become

-em vidar
Sorry you think its because of me that you are alone, but I had to leave in order to save myself
  Mar 2019 EmVidar
b e mccomb
i dread the day you learn
for the first time that
you can't just love all
the darkness in me away

and no matter how much
you care i will still toss
and turn at night and scars
might still appear on my skin

i dread the day you realize
that you can't cure me
and sometimes all you can do
is stand next to me and
hold my hand through fog
pouring out of my ears so black
and thick we can't even see
each other's faces

i dread the days i can't
get out of bed
the days you want to
take me out and all
i can manage is a prettified
shell of myself

i dread the day you learn
that sometimes no matter
how hard i try i still can't
pull myself together

the day you learn that
there isn't an answer
you can give that will
save me from my fears

you aren't the first person
who has tried to love the
darkness inside away
my family and friends
have given it their all
but someday you too will learn
that if love could
cure mental illness
the world would be
a much better place
copyright 8/6/18 b. e. mccomb
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