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Oct 2015 · 640
Rythm of The Night
renzie b Oct 2015
The sun was beginning to set painting the sky with the colors of faint orange and pink.
The tall street lamps together with the passing cars’ headlights lit up the road.
The trees were swaying, as the calm rush of wind passes through while the road became less busy as the night settles deeper.
The sky was partially filled with clouds yet the moon was still able to show its face.
The night was calm and quiet.
The silence covered the road as if it was abandoned.
Not a single soul can be seen or heard.  
Nevertheless, the surrounding did not look frightening.
No, it was rather peaceful than menacing.
The night found serenity as the people succumb to their sweet slumber. For hours, the street remained still with only the sound of the wind rushing through the trees playing in the background.
Sep 2015 · 708
Was that your goodbye?
renzie b Sep 2015
You illuminated the night with your blue eyes as bright as the North Star. You invaded the smallest parts of my life with your calm voice and your faint smile.
You let me fall for you faster than I can resist.
You held my hand tightly with the thought of you never letting it go.
You whispered sweet nothings into my ear as if it was the only language you spoke.
You engraved your touch onto my skin and eventually your presence became a tattoo.
Your shadow lingers as it follows me wherever I go.
You filled my head with thoughts of eternity with you, and with a blink of an eye, you consumed my mind.
Your laughter echoes through places you and I have been in.
You have left an everlasting mark on me.
A mark I will always carry.
A mark I will forever hold onto but just like that, you left like a rush of wind and disappeared right before my eyes.
Jun 2015 · 1.8k
Say It
renzie b Jun 2015
No, don’t tell me I’m perfect.
A lie is never a compliment.
Tell me exactly who I am.
Tell me I’m a pain in the ***,
an uptight, control-freak Asian,
a sarcastic *****,
an emotional wreck,
a nerdy, dorky, silly, insecure girl.
Then tell me you love me for it.

— The End —