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 Feb 2018 Ari
my beloved, i miss you.
i miss our time spent together,
miss the life you brought into my spirit.
don’t you miss how thin you were?
i told you that you didn’t want food—
carbs are bad, remember?—
and you were just so beautiful.
the etched lines of your ribs and collarbone,
carefully defined like charcoal on a watercolor painting.
don’t you miss our late-night chats?
you told me everything you hated about yourself
and i just held you as you crumbled.
i’m sorry i couldn’t bring myself to console you but
your pain was just so beautiful...
i couldn’t tear myself away.
how can you not miss our alone time?
your isolation always kept me company—
until that one day.
you yelled at me,
shouted obscenities at me until you were crying,
but different tears than the ones you shared with me
late at night.
you relapsed into our old relationship,
again and again,
until that one day.
i heard you singing in the shower
for the first time since you were ten years old,
heard you open a bag of chips, eat the whole **** bag,
saw your mother embrace you while
tears fell down her face.
i saw you drive away with
that boy,
the one who kisses your scars
and tells you your past is a tragic beauty.
i could’ve saved you.
don’t tell me you saved yourself.
we could’ve been just so beautiful.

                                                   forever yours,
                                                          ­  me<3
 Feb 2018 Ari
Arrow's Song
 Feb 2018 Ari
Allow me to introduce myself
My name is Keith Edwards, but you can call me Red Arrow
I've come to tell you who I am and what I stand for
Used to live in the 100s now I live by the lakeshore
I used to think that acting was what I was made for
Until I got old…..
Got my first phone in 5th grade, found that writing was my calling, and I picked up
Wrote stories and poems until my notebooks filled up
Writing on the paper what came outta my dome
But that paper fueled the fire that burned down my home
Everything I'm about to tell you is the opposite of a lie
I woulda been dead in the flames if I didn't try
To go save my momma before we would die
We jumped out a window, you can still see the scars
From when we landed on the concrete, looking at the stars
But I'm getting ahead of myself, y'all don't wanna hear my life story
I'm here to tell you I like horror, especially when it's gory
I got a good life, but i gotta make adjustments
Nobody in this room tryna see me in INJUSTICE
Yes I play games, but I'm definitely not basic
I didn't grow up with Xbox, but it's better than PlayStation
I watch a lot of stand-up and I see myself on that stage
I see myself as a comedian at times
And I went through a phase where I used beats to write rhymes
I'm socially awkward, but a really awesome texter
If I ever get a girlfriend, I promise I'll respect her
I'm a romantic with no hope, that's too true
There's a lotta stuff about this that I'm new to
Thinking about this, there's not much more to say
I just want a girl I can call Ms. Arrow one day.
I'm nowhere near done
Who else likes the show where you keep your phasers on stun?
Thinking about my life or when it really begun
I can be serious like that but I choose to be fun
I collect a bunch of movies, in memory of my Godfather who drove the Pineapple Express
I really should give this a rest
But there's a few more things I wanna get off my chest
I'm the biggest comic book fan, and not just in size
I'm not really a daredevil, but I believe in ghosts who ride
Shazam is the magic word that lights my Lantern
But I'd rather finish this part and continue with my banter
Big head, same sized brain, and I use it
But my temper’s the one thing I can't get rid of if I lose it
I can manage my anger, but that's not the issue
Every time I watch the Fault in Our Stars or Everything Everything, ya boi need tissue
My room is a Paper Town
But I'll finish this part, because that's enough said
But no matter what hat I wear on my head
Or whatever way I lay in my bed
Until they declare me legally dead
I will always be the Arrow that is Red
 Feb 2018 Ari
Lady Grey
The worst kind of crying
Is when you don’t realize it’s happening
Until it’s too late to stop

The tears flowing down your cheeks
Like a river
Down your neck
Down your shirt
Until they reach your broken heart
 Feb 2018 Ari
Vale Luna
(read forward, then backward, line by line)

I ran.
Not knowing what else to do
There was so much blood on my hands
It was mine
The kitchen knife
Caught in my chest
Consumed by
I was heightened by
But running on
Wasn’t enough
While trying to stay calm,
Losing control
It was me that would end up
Dead. Because
He was
In front of me
The whole time
It was too late
I found myself
Locked in chains
My fate was
Forward: from the victims perspective.
Backward: from the murderers perspective.

 Feb 2018 Ari
Kartikeya Jain
"She was an
unusual dresser.
Every night,
she wore bruises
on her heart,
love on her lips,
pain in her eyes,
and ink on her fingers.
They called her poetry."
 Jan 2018 Ari
welcome to today
 Jan 2018 Ari
hi, welcome to our world,
you must be new.
i'm sure it sounds exciting;
but let me explain something to you.
you're a girl so
things are a bit more tough.
things are hard when nobody listens
when you say "enough is enough."
it's almost like you can't say no--
wait, that's not it.
it's more that when you say that word
they still don't quit.
opinions run rampant--
nothing you ever do or say will satisfy them.
"them" being not only girls tearing each other apart,
it's also men.
this idea of "them" is that you're being attacked,
physically, verbally... it doesn't matter.
they say you have too much makeup,
your stomach should be flatter.
and then it's the clothes...
you wear too much and you're a *****,
too little and you're a ***,
might as well be ****.
like to flirt?
too bad, you put out.
like to keep to yourself?
you're a *****, no doubt.
there's no such thing as winning,
in our society today.
but please, have fun!
enjoy your stay.
the truth of being a girl (might write follow-up poems to this)
 Jan 2018 Ari
Prince Gerald
 Jan 2018 Ari
Prince Gerald
It does not come from the mind
But from heart and soul
Collection 1
 Jan 2018 Ari
a lifetime ago
 Jan 2018 Ari
it's funny;
i didn't remember what it was like to be young,
i mean,
i'm young now but
i guess what i mean is happy.
i don't remember what it's like to be happy.
inspired by ...myself
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