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  Sep 2020 devilmoon
Nidhi Jaiswal
I hate myself,
I want to self love myself,
but why i  can't.

I have inadvertently changed,
The girl who was sea in herself,
Has become puddle today,
Why am i so changed.

I want to take a step forward,
But my broken heart push me backward.
Why i feel so

i want to do self love again
but  i haven't courage

This situation of someones life when they feel that they can't move ahead in their life.
sometimes a regret break us in the same way..we wan't to ans the self qs but we feel we can't.
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  Sep 2020 devilmoon
Nidhi Jaiswal
Where there is misunderstanding,
There is no perfect relation...
"Everyone accepts this truth as true"
But still,
I felt sometimes...
"Misunderstanding is perfect way to understand"
I know,
May be my thoughts are right or wrong...
"According to situation"
But still.....
Misunderstanding is filled with sorrow for few moments,
But When we understand,
"It clears our doubts and makes our relation as strong as much possible"
So about my opinion....
''Misunderstanding is the better way to understand"

''Misunderstanding is the better way to understand"
i feel sometimes so much sorrow and pain, when i misunderstood but after few moments, when i understand...than i feel better as soon...
according to me..
''Misunderstanding is the perfect way to understand"
  Sep 2020 devilmoon
Nidhi Jaiswal
This rose color makes me sting,
Its petals bite my soul like a knife,
Thorns pierced my heart,
My grin is lost in the dense forest,
That rose reigns in that dense forest.

Blood tears coming out of my eyes,
just like,
dew drop of the rose petals seen,
My heart is thundering like a cloud,
Tears like raining in dense forest.

These rose colors are like my sorrow color,
Red color is like the blood of my loved ones who died,
White color is like shroud of my loved ones who died.

Rose makes my eyes restless,
My heart soulless,
I do not want to see them,
But in my dense forest, roses are roses.
This poetry is based on Imagination
in which i am the part of such dense forest where only roses and roses,every roses are cause of my pain..its make me restless.
But after i'm part of such forest.
where only pain resides.
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  Sep 2020 devilmoon
Nidhi Jaiswal
Life spent with someone,
For a lifetime may be meaningless,
But a few moment spent with,
Someone who really loves you,
Means that more than life itself

Real meaning of life...🦋🦋🦋
Thanks for reading.
nidhi jaiswal.
  Aug 2020 devilmoon
Nidhi Jaiswal
i'm like a diver i went to deep sea
in search of memories pearl
I know that it is impossible to find pearls in the sea of memories.
Pain in heart
Restless soul
I was lost as a diver in search of pearls in the deep sea.
My hands were digging the ground
Heart was desperate for a pearl in the sea of memories
Broken memories took the shape of a pearl
And i search it like a diver in the deep sea

Again and Again
This poetry is based on my broken memories.
i remember it time to time..and I feel restless sometimes.
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  Aug 2020 devilmoon
Nidhi Jaiswal
In rain
when i weep
who understand my tears on rainy water
The thought came on my mind,When i'm in rain and i wish..susshhh
someone in my life who understand when i weep ..they feel
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  Aug 2020 devilmoon
Nidhi Jaiswal
Freedom is not a name of flying bird
it is unit of every living being
And right of our soul
Every creature is independent and free in universe
This nature
The thought of others binds us in chains
We should break binding rule of cage
And makes whole world as free

Freedom is our right,And we should change out thoughts..before this freedom is not possible.On the occasion of independence day i would like to say all..please Change our thoughts..and make our and peaceful.
Thanks for reading.
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