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I've been looking, for you
are about to leave soon.
Time flies so fast and it seems
yesterday we were just as happy.
Our chests throb faster
when we are next to each other.

I was looking at you
for the last time. Before you leave,
please look at me, too.
My eyes yearn for your secret
glances and knowing smiles.
I'll remember you that way.

I am looking when you
looked at me, too.
The world shifted and
crumbled. Deep inside me
angels sang songs we only knew.
And then you looked away.

You never looked at me again
but I promise I'll always look for you.
 Mar 2016 Destiny Fertig
I've given you too much love,
but you've given me too little.
I've annoyed you,
but you have disappointed me.
I've shared my life with you,
but you've been keeping secrets.
Why do you do this?
Why won't you let me in?
Why can't I say these things to you..?
 Mar 2016 Destiny Fertig
Sometimes I wonder if you still think of me,
In all the ways you used to.
Eyes wild in the moonlight,
Thoughts escaping in sentences too quick to process.
Shy chuckles,
Hands too cold, waiting for yours.
An ache for adventure,
You knew exactly where that lead.
Sleepless nights we'd sit beneath the stars,
And wonder if all of this was just a dream.
I hope you still think of me,
Because I know I think of you.
We see the stars, that twinkle
That´s our impotence that,
we can´t see the stars that doesn´t twinkle
but they exist.
They exist in that dark universe
lightening their surrounding.
There comes a certain time for star, to
twinkle for universe,
but not every star has that potential.

and yea I am a star,
and I am fan of myself.
we all have some talents,
only those who get platform shines.

— The End —