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 Jul 2016 Leticia JL Sims
You are the only thing to remind me
that I can feel more than
just numb. An empty room with you
is ecstasy and I don't need much more than your skin to know
I need you with me.
Watch me as I strip
my soul down to its core
to see the mirroring light
emanating into you, glistening in the amber of your eyes. The sun
granted us love and you are my moon,
the branches in my palms,
the sky in my eyes.
You are there until my years depart, when the earth splits, when light becomes air
I want to be with you when all turns to dust and I will kiss you when the sun rises, when dawn becomes anew in my next life
I wrote this for you
I love you

greed and desire
toxic and poison
love and hate
you and me
we are dangerous for each other but do we care
the world can stop and stare
as we take turns to love and despair
you are mine and I am yours
we are one and I love you and the pain that comes with it
you are mine and I don't care
the world can stop and stare I don't care
 Jul 2016 Leticia JL Sims
Megan H
And when I said,
"Beware of those who pretend",
It was a warning,
Because you should never-
Trust someone who tells you that,
Because they know
How to pretend
All too well.
I am the sunlight
That causes your pupils to contract
I am the parade in your iris
Postponed by chance of cataract

I am within one of your senses
For the first time in leisurely years
I take form and travel down your cheek
Wiped away swiftly, lest I interfere

Drowning in double vision
Only one of me is real
I am the glimpse of reality in this fantasy
I am the love you close eyes to conceal
For all the girls who are out there
And think they are fat and ugly
Your not
Your beautiful
Your body is ****
Don't let anyone bring you down
We all can't be the same sizes
Imagine might as well make us all look alike
Thats why god made us different
And we all go through different stuff
Please love yourself as who you are
Trust me there is someone out there
Who loves you the way you are
Shaman who is keeping the flame.
Dancing like it's his last day.
Holding many secrets, knowing many fates.
Brown stubby knotted fingers do the pointing.
The young brown pups do the fetching.
Guiding the meek, chanting history.

He taught my family how to preserve mother.
Sometimes for sport, sometimes for balance.
Insisted we did this favour; not as ritual, but as rite.
We wait until the moon is filled of Mars.
We sing our people's song.
Sometimes a harmony, sometimes a challenge.

To do the shamans work; maybe *****.
We roam in threes, sometimes fours.
Our sanctified goal to slay mother's cousin.
Tall ones, brown like us, bones gnarly from skull.

We huff, and puff; the winter cold.
Lungs tired after kissing the chilly breeze.
The tundra lit up with a crimson sheen.
Fatiguing the march, yet we fly.

Hunters we hunt, fast with four legs.
We single a herd, resting their heads.
We focus the small ones, biting and gashing.
They fell like birch trees, painting the powder.
Outnumbering us, sport turns to anxiety.

We bite, gnaw, ****, and claw.
They fall hard to the Earth.
We don't feast, we have a mission.
Looting the bones, we keep them in submission.
Thinning them out; is our fed intuition.
Brothers grow tired, the prey devastated.
Mars reflects to us, as if saying mother is pleased.
The young brown pups do the fetching.
Look back and see
What once we were
And that from where we are now
We never may return
It’s such a strange phenomenon
people writing poetry
desperately seeking not to be called a poet
like they are afraid of that label
like if they call themselves a poet
instantly you are held to a special standard
you are forced to be brilliant and insightful
each breath inhaling beauty
and exhaling wisdom and exuberance
maybe you think you have to sell all your clothes
wear only black and brood
contemplate death endlessly
while recognizing nothing as worthy
or interesting
only pain is real
if you say you are a poet…..

I am a poet.
I write poetry near daily.
I think about the way in which the leaves twirl
as they fall to the ground
consider children running through hoses
in the summer ~

I am a poet because there is no other name for me /
a love
vividly transparent to each other
where our souls kiss when we aren't looking
where we never feel alone together
Jl 2016
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