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Shannon Delaney Nov 2014
One day I’m going to see your stormy, blue eyes again and they will flash with recognition of my face and I will try telling myself that seeing you again is not fate.
third part of the one sentence story series, none are connected
Shannon Delaney Nov 2014
You held my hand long enough that your fingers were imprinted in my skin and my palm remembered the shape of yours and it was engraved in my body forever.
Shannon Delaney Nov 2014
Belligerent soul
Please, what are you fighting for?
There’s nothing left here
Shannon Delaney Nov 2014
Maybe someday
I’ll write about somebody
Who loves me back
a 10 word peom
Shannon Delaney Nov 2014
You said that maybe we are meant to meet the wrong people
To fall in love with beautiful beings that will never love us back
To be hurt by the ones we trust most with our hearts
You said that maybe we were never intended to be anything more than what we are now
Because if yesterday was love, then what is today?
And what is tomorrow?
You said that you couldn't love me
But you still haven’t left me
I am stuck is this backwards, in-between, all hoping idea that if I waited long enough, you will love me again
I am trying to stop deluding myself
You said that maybe you love me and that it just might not be the right kind
But I need you to make up your mind
Shannon Delaney Nov 2014
It comes in blankets
Grey blankets that cover the sky
And it churns in blue and black
Like purple bruises painting the sky
I want to cry
But the tears won’t come
So I’m stuck looking out window
Searching for any bit of sun I can see
Only stormy eyes show themselves though
And tears streak cheeks
And if I cry myself to sleep every night
That’s only for me and the stars to know
They twinkle knowingly at me in the dark
And I want to yell at them
Don’t tell a soul
But they ignore me
They tell me I’m sad
And I knew that already
But I only see the stars when my grey blankets are gone
Shannon Delaney Oct 2014
I never know if when you say goodbye
It will be the last time
Your voice is an echo in my head
But I don't know where it's coming from
You never told me you loved me
And I think that's because you never did
But even if it's a lie
I wish it was "I love you"
Pulsing in my ears
Instead of "goodbye"
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